Do not make direct edits to this repository.
Fork the repository and make your edits on your copy, then do a pull request on GitHub.
Add mixins to
Add any common QA res CSS you do to common/*.scss
Don't think these are the limits. If you can think of anything else to include, do it!!
Smallest elements or patterns.
Common QA-fixes and default styles for common elements. This directory is for global styles that affect elements on the entire site and are not likely to be overridden.
CSS Libraries (like Animate.css)
Mixins for use on the entire site.
Please also make use of Foundation mixins whenever possible.
This directory is managed at
Placeholders are for extending styles without adding unwanted class names to the css file. Styles can be shared across multiple tags without weird grouping in the compiled CSS.
WYSIWYG styles that affect content that a user can create in a CMS.
Icon fonts and SVG.
Place layout based SCSS files here. A layout should only be positioning or context specific styles for a very specific situation.
Organisms are multi-use components of the site that can appear one or more times.
Molecules are smaller multi-use components that often are smaller pieces of organisms, and are generally not found by themselves.
Template specific styles.