There are 6 static BaderLab static websites. Each site is in a stand alone virtual machine running old software. This repo is the documentation on the new versions of these old static websites.
The websites are:
- POW ( -
- PRM-DB ( -
- pathguide ( -
- DV-IMPACT ( / -
- MIMP ( -
- cytoscape wiki ( -
Each site has been converted over to a docker and is now running newer versions of software. All servers are running on ubuntu OS and using APT for package managment.
The corresponding dockers are:
- POW - iweinberger/pow
- PRM-DB - iweinberger/prm-db
- pathguide - iweinberger/pathguide
- DV-IMPACT - iweinberger/dv-impact
- MIMP - iweinberger/mimp
- cytoscape wiki - iweinberger/cytoscape-wiki-old
Each docker can be downloaded and run through Docker user the command docker run -ditp 80:80 **container_name**
Each site has it's own Docker image however all 6 sites have also been combined into one docker image which can be found at iweinberger/all-baderlab-sites(
POW: POW is a website that allows users to predict PDZ domain-peptide interactions for human, mouse, worm and fly PDZ domains. Software:
- python2.7
- svm
- apache2
- apache2 cgi
PRM-BD: PRM-DB allows users to search for a domain or protein by name, all domains from a given species, all members of a domain family, or search for combinations of these criteria. Software:
- apache2
- mySQL
- php-mysql
- libapache2-mod-php
DV-IMPACT: DV-IMPACT is a resource for the disease variants impact assessment on domain-peptide PPI networks Software:
- apache2
- mySQL
- php-mysql
- libapache2-mod-php
Pathguide: Pathguide is a database that contains information about 702 biological pathway related resources and molecular interaction related resources
- apache2
- mySQL
- php-mysql
- libapache2-mod-php
MIMP: MIMP characterizes genetic variants such as cancer mutations that specifically alter kinase-binding sites in proteins. Software:
- Nginx
- Java 8
- openjdk-8-jre
- openjdk-8-jdk
- Play 2.2.1
- R 3.6.3
- gcc 9.4.0
- Make
- gfortran
- Flex
- Autogen
- gcc-multilib
- Libcurl4-openssl-dev
Cytoscape wiki (old): Old wiki for cytoscape.
- apache2
- python2
- MoinMoin
- libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3