Completed Tasks:
- A neural network with 62% accuracy on test set
- A simple flask API to consume the model and perform predictionn
- Dockerization of the flask app
Todo Tasks:
- Enhance the flask app to have more endpoints i.e to store prediction outputs, to store uset inputs etc that too in a structured manner.
- Integrate flask app with a database
- Upload the app to AWS cloud
What it contains:
- A python nnotebook with EDA and model training code and results evaluation
- An HTML version of the python notebook for easy viewing
- A flask web app
- A dockerfile to build and run a container
- A video demonstrating the predictions
Doesn't include the training and test data to reduce repo size, can be furnished upon request
Group members: Daniyal Raza 19839 Babar Shamsi 19840 Aisha Ghori Pathan 18297