Remix IDE:
Creating the Code:
- Open Remix and create a new file.
- Wrute the
code into the file.
Select Compiler Settings:
- Go to the "Compile" tab.
- Choose the desired Solidity compiler version (e.g., 0.8.0).
Compile the Contract:
- Click the "Compile" button.
- If there are no compilation errors, you'll see the compiled bytecode and ABI.
Deploy the Contract:
- Go to the "Deploy & Run" tab.
- Select the compiled contract from the dropdown.
- Choose the environment where you want to deploy (e.g., JavaScript VM(VM Cancun in our case), Injected Web3).
- If you're using a local or test network, ensure you have a running node and have connected to it in Remix.
- Provide any required parameters for the contract constructor (if applicable).
- Click the "Deploy" button.
Interact with the Contract:
- Once deployed, you'll see the contract's address and functions in the "Deploy & Run" tab.
- Use the functions to interact with the contract, such as registering artists, uploading songs, purchasing songs, etc.
Example Usage:
- Register an artist:
- Call the
function with the desired artist name.
- Call the
- Register an listener:
- Call the
function with the desired listener name.
- Call the
- Upload a song:
- Call the
function with the song name, price, and artist name.
- Call the
- Purchase a song:
- Call the
function with the song ID and send the required amount of Ether.
- Call the
- Donate to a Artist:
- Call the
function with the artist address and donate the required amount of Ether.
- Call the
- There is Event notification for each of the event so you'll get desired information about whats going on with detailed indexed value if possible.
- Ensure you have sufficient funds in your connected wallet to pay for gas fees when deploying and interacting with the contract.
- For more complex interactions or testing on a public network, you might need to use a tool like Truffle or Hardhat.
- Always test your contract thoroughly on a test network before deploying to a mainnet.
By following these steps, you can successfully deploy and use the Decentralised_Music_marketplace
contract in Remix.