Copra is a compiled language, which compiles into Python code.
It's simple, Copra isn't trying to be a HUGE language,
it tries to make the Python experience better, by offering another syntax to work with.
You currently can't, but when it is ready you'll find a guide in the
copra {filename}
copra {filename} {additional-arguments}
When you place an -o argument after the basic starting arguments, the argument after the -o argument must be the path to the new output file.
- Basic Lexer (Beta)
- Keyword: use
- Keyword: while
- Keyword: if
- Keyword: elseif
- Keyword: else
- Keyword: !!
- Keyword: &&
- Keyword: or
- Keyword: for
- Keyword: fn
- Keyword: cl
- Keyword: it
- Keyword: kill
- Keyword: break
- Keyword: continue
- Keyword: return
- Keyword: catch
- Context: {}
- Comment: ::
- Variables (Bug fixed, but other bugs are expected to occurr)
- Boolean: true
- Boolean: false
- None: none
- Integers
- Decimals
- List
- Tuples
- Other built-in functions: Will have the same syntax