Exercise for MSCH-C220 at Indiana University, Bloomington
The expectations for this exercise are that you will
Create an account at github.com Fork this repository Create accounts at inklewriter.com and github.com
Download and GitHub Desktop Edit this repository's README.md Commit and push your changes back to GitHub. Turn in the URL of your repository on Canvas. Instructions
Your first task is to create an account on GitHub.com. Once you have created the account, log in and Fork the repository.
Once the fork has completed, at the top of the repository page, you should now see [your user name]/Exercise-01a-Install-Software. This is the indication that it is safe for you to begin editing the repository.
The next step is to go toinklewriter.com and create an account. Click on the sign in button and then on the "create new account" button. Create an account!
The following software needs to be installed on your computer:
Github Desktop
Once you have completed that process, edit this file (README.md) by pressing the pencil icon.
Once you have finished editing README.md, press the "Commit Changes" button at the bottom of the page. On the main page for this repository, copy the URL (it should be in the form: https://github.com/[username]/Exercise-01a-Install-Software), and submit that as the URL for the exercise on Canvas.
The final state of this file should be as follows (replacing my information with yours). If you have any problems installing the software, note it at the bottom: '''
Nathan Mishler