The project consists of the infrastructure Core modules needed for implementing a SaaS cryptocurrency virtual wallet. This project has the following modules:
For abstracting the needed secrets for the encryption/signing operations over the sent messages
For inter micro-services communication
For querying, signing and sending transactions and data over the public (and test) Ethereum network
This project also contains a Sample directory, to get you started.
The project contains three components:
- Blockchain (Currently only Ethereum implementation) related functionalityCommunication
- Communication pipeline between micro-services.Cryptography
- Provides functionality for saving the users secrets (private keys) and for securing the micro-services communication pipeline
To consume, clone the repository and add the projects as dependencies.
// Create
var kv = new KeyVault(...);
var secretsMgmnt =
new KeyVaultCryptoActions(
new CertificateInfo(encryptionKeyName, encryptionCertPassword),
new CertificateInfo(decryptionKeyName, decryptionCertPassword),
new CertificateInfo(signKeyName, signCertPassword),
new CertificateInfo(verifyKeyName, verifyCertPassword),
// Initialize
await secretsMgmnt.InitializeAsync();
// Call methods
var rawData = "Some text";
var encryptedData = secretsMgmnt.Encrypt(Communication.Utils.ToByteArray(rawData));
var originalData = secretsMgmnt.Decrypt(encryptedData);
// The following code enqueues a message to a queue named 'MyQueue'
var secretsMgmnt = new KeyVaultCryptoActions(...);
var queueClient = new CloudQueueClientWrapper(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AzureStorageConnectionString"]);
// Create
var securedComm = new AzureQueue("MyQueue", queueClient, secretsMgmnt, true);
// Init
await securedComm.InitializeAsync();
// Enqueue messages
await securedComm.EnqueueAsync(Communication.Utils.ToByteArray("A message"));
msg =>
Console.WriteLine("Decrypted and Verified message is" : + msg);
// Create the instance of the Sql connector (which holds the users' private keys)
var sqlDb = new SqlConnector(...);
// Create the instance
var ethereumNodeClient = new EthereumAccount(sqlDb, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EthereumNodeUrl"]);
// Call methods
var result = await ethereumNodeClient.GetPublicAddressAsync("0x012345...");
Sample wallet app that uses the provided libraries can be found here
- Getting 'access denied' when the script trys to set a new secret into KeyVault: wrong object id was entered. refer to the pre-requisites step and make sure you are using the correct object id.
See instructions here.
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