Follow steps to start:
Install linux in your system.(Kali Linux recommended)
Learn basic linux commands.
Do the basics of programming.
(html/css, js, PHP, sql, python)
For basics and in-short watch derek
Few concepts to be learned:
- Methods (mainly get and post)
- IP
- Ssh
- Telnet
- Port
Video1 link
Video2 link
After completing this, move to Hack this site(basic and js challenges)
Learn Python as many tools/scripts are made out of it.
After this move to backdoor sdslads, picoctf previous ctf challenges
Learn to use github as it is like a best friend to a hacker
Learn about owasp top 10 vulnerabilities.
learn basics of vim and nano
Some most used commands:
cat, ls, vim, ping, file, find, du, pwd, env, chmod, wget,cron,telnet,gzip,bzip2,tar,base64,grep,nc,curl,strings,whatweb, wildcards and many more.
Start participating in ctfs on ctftime(this will boost your problem solving skills.)
Solve previous questions of CTF and read Writeups.
1. Web security
2. Network security
3. Forensics
4. Application Security
5. Steganography
6. Mobile Pentest,...
Learn creating ssh public key and connecting to ssh server (
Master some most important tools of Kali:
Burpsuite,Webscrab, Metasploit, Nmap, Wireshark.
Learn using some browser extention which will help in solving CTF problems:
Hackbar,Cookie-editor,Open referer control,...
Learn about vulnerabilities:
XSS, Htmli, Sqli, Parameter Tampering, Host Header Injection, URL Redirection, LFI, RFI, CCRF, SSRF, Subdomain Takeover, CMDi, XMLI, etc.
- web application hackers handbook
- Web hacking 101
XSS: (
SQLi: (
- (
- ( (sqli)
- Damn Vulnerable Web Application (DVWA)
- Owasp mutillidae 2 (offline)
zteg, stegsolve, jstego, hex-editor
gdb,edb-debug, gdb-peda, hex-editor
Password cracking:
john the ripper, crunch, medusa
- Best online tool for
- For advanced crypto then go for coursera
HTTP,Https FTP, DNS, SMTP ,ports,MAC Address,IPv4,IPv6,Public v Private IP,OSI model,Routers and switches.
( Site used for finding all subdomains of a site, checking virus, and many more.
- Hacking: The Art of Exploitation
- The Shellcoders Handbook