This code creates the reults for the deterministic control co-design, stochastic in expectation uncertain control co-design, and worst-case robust uncertain control co-design for the simple SASA case study. The results are associated with the following article:
-Azad,S., and Herber, D. R., 2022."Investigations into uncertain control co-design implementations for stochastic in expectation and worst-case robust". In International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, no. IMECE2022-95229
Start by openning the Main.m files which contains nine different case studies associated with the porblems discussed in the above-mentioned article.
case 0 solves the deterministic simple SASA problem
case 1 solves the Stochastic in expectation simple SASA problem in nested architecture using a multiple control approach through Monte Carlo Simulation
case 2 solves the Stochastic in expectation simple SASA problem in nested architecture using a multiple control approach through generalized Polynomial Chaos
case 3 solves the worst case robust simple SASA problem using direct single shooting and a single control approach through constraint relaxation
case 4 solves the worst case robust simple SASA problem using direct single shooting and a single control approach with penalty terms
case 5 solves the worst case robust simple SASA problem using a multiple control approach through through polytopic uncertainties
case 6 and 7 solve case 5 for various sizes of uncertainties
case 7 solves closed-loop system response
case 8 implements a robust multi-stage model predicitve control approach using polytopic uncertainties