Shoot em up for the Gamebuino, still working on it, and open for any help :)
State of the v007:
Functions implemented :
- No transparency (white pixel is not a transparent pixel): ok
- Mutiple scrolling (4 : clouds, city, road back, road front) : ok
- False 3D lines (the lines that simulate 3D between the city and the road) : ok
- Multiple bullets shoot with array of array (10 bullets) : ok
- Boss with multiple animation (3 animation states for the robots and 10 states for the gigant turtle) : ok
- Cars on the road, can be destroyed, arrives randomly on the road by group of 3 : ok
- Power bar + mega ray triangle : ok
- score incrementing : ok
- Ennemis shoot : ok
- Multiple ennemi salves : ok
- other boss : ok
Todo list :
- bugs to fix : ship shot for no reason
- bugs to fix : car shot still take bulets (white rectangle?)
- change backgroud (levels)
- gameplay to fit (enemy health, nb of bullets)
- add music and sound