The project is created by BBC micro:bit, it detects the directions where is it! Left or right or none
if Left : the Lighting if LED are activated from the left 9 7 5 2 0 if Right: the Lighting if LED are activated from the right 9 7 5 2 0 if non : the square shows up
1- as we are coding with python we need to import a libary which will help us to use all the functions for coding the micro:bit
from microbit import *
2- We need to create the show of lighting, in right and left between 0 and 9; O is off and 9 is on
R = Image("02579:"
L = Image("97520:"
3- While true which during the program while no error; we will use the axe x it is realted to left and right and rotation is between -20 20, so we will set the conditions
LR = accelerometer.get_x()
if LR > 20:
elif LR < -20:
The project is for the absolute beginners in order to master the functions
🟢 Demo