SiFive implementation of the Nexus trace decoder
The trace-decoder is a stand-alone program that reads Nexus 5001 traces for the RISC-V architecture as implemented by SiFive and reconstructs the instruction stream that generated the trace. Instruction traces can be used for debugging and performance analysis. Currently, Windows, Linux, and OS X are supported.
The process to create/capture a trace file is not covered here; only how to build and use the trace-decoder tool to reconstruct the program execution that generated the trace. Usage of the trace-decoder assumes you already have or know how to create trace files.
This document describes the SiFive trace-decoder, both how to build and how to use.
The name of the stand-alone trace-decoder is dqr
(for de-queuer). There is also a dynamic library created for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X (dqr.dll, or Currently, Freedom Studio uses the dynamic library to perform trace decodes.
The trace-decoder is released under Apache2 and MIT licenses.
See LICENSE.Apache2 and LICENSE.MIT for details.
Available both as a stand-alone executable to decode traces, and as a library suitable for being used as part of a different project. The library also provides interfaces that can be called from Java or C++.
Decodes 32 and 64 bit traces.
Supports both SiFive BTM (Branch Trace Mode) and HTM (History Trace Mode) trace decoding.
Supports SiFive event trace decoding. When decoding event traces, textual event files can be optionally generated that can be processed by user tools.
Multi-core Support. The trace-decoder supports multi-core traces, up to 8 cores through the use of the -srcbits=n switch. When decoding multi-core traces, each line output is prefixed with a core number for identification.
Limited support for generating CTF (Common Trace Format) output files that can be processed by Trace Compass to dispaly Flame Charts and Graphs.
Processes performance trace files created with the SiFive trace perf library, generating textual files containing performance data collected from the processor hardware event counters.
Will process simulator output files and generate a decoded trace-type output
Can process both SiFive Scalar and Vector cycle accurate traces, generating a decoded instruction output with cycle information. For vector traces, varrious vector unit cycle information is also included in the output. See "trace-deocder/doc/ca trace users" for more information.
Includes separate itc_utils.c, itc_utils.h files that can be used in the project being traced to output printf-like output directly into the trace stream, using ITC trace messages. The trace decoder can reassemble the ITC messages back into printf-like message and dispaly or make them available to the calling program. Also supported are no-load-string prints, where the textual portion of prints are not embedded in the trace for improved trace bandwidth and trace buffer usage. See trace-decoder/doc/ for more information.
Includes sifive_trace.h, a comprehensive C macro library that can be used in programs under trace to control the trace process from inside the program under trace. See trace-decoder/doc/ for more information.
Includes serveral example Java programs to demonstrate how to use the library from Java.
A separate trace-decoder-tests project on GitHub was added that can be used to test a new trace-decoder build and verify its functionality. It is available at Information on how to run the tests is included with that package.
Builds and runs on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.
The trace-decoder will build on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. To build the trace-decoder, the correct build tools must first be installed. On windows, MinGW and MSYS must be installed. For Linux, g++ must be installed. On Mac OS X, use either XCode or g++. The trace-decoder can be built by itself, or as part of a Freedom-Tools build.
The trace-decoder compiles as a 64-bit application.
Below are the required tools that need to be installed for each of the supported platforms:
To build under windows, you will need to install both MinGW-W64 and MSYS.
MinGW-w64 (with gcc 8.1.0 or newer) and MSYS2:
A working MinGW-w64 installer can be downloaded from sourceforge.
When you run the installer for MinGW/MSYS, choose the posix threads, and seh exceptions.
If you are planning on using eclipse, install MinGW-w64 in a folder with no spaces in the path (for example, do not install it in "Program Files"). Chose the x86-64 architecture when installing.
You will also need to edit your PATH environment variable to include MinGW-w64. If for example, you installed MinGw-w64 in c:\mingw, you should add c:\mingw\bin to your path.
The MSYS installer can be downloaded from After downloading, run the installer and follow the instructions.
To build on Linux, you will need to install g++ and the GNU binutils. This process varies for different Linux distributions. If you do not know how to do this, a quick web search for your distribution should provide a solution. Make sure you install the compilers that produce 64-bit code and not 32-bit code.
You can use either XCode or the GNU g++/gcc and binutils tools. XCode is probably the easiest. If you do not already have XCode installed on your system, you can go to the Apple app store to download.
XCode or g++ (note: XCode uses the gcc/g++ front end, but uses the LLVM compiler chain. This means that XCode is not using the g++/gcc compilers). Either toolchain should work fine for compiling the trace-decoder, but only the XCode tool chain has been verified to work.
To build the trace-decoder, you can just type "make" on the command line from the trace-decoder directory. This will build the debug version of the trace-decoder, both its executable and dynamic library. Specific build targets include:
clean: Removes all temporary files created during a build.
Debug: Builds the debug version (with symbol information). Using make with no arguments is the same as "make Debug".
Release: Build the release version.
install: Copies the executable, trace-decoder library, Windows dynamic libraries needed for the trace-decoder library, header files, and examples to the directory specified by the INSTALLPATH define, as in make install INSTALLPATH=. If INSTALLPATH is not specified, creates an directory "install" in the trace-decoder directory with the components placed in it.
The directory structure for the trace decoder is:
All source files for building the trace decoder are in src or include. The file main.cpp contains the driver program for the trace-decoder, but also can be used as a guide to building your own front-end which uses the Trace class for creating instruction streams from the collected trace information.
When building without a Freedom Tools build, the libraries located in trace-decoder/lib will be used (for Windows, Linux, or Mac OS X). These libraries are not the most up-to-date but should function correctly, and are provided so the trace decoder can be built without Freedom Tools. When build as part of a Freedom Tools build, the libraries built as part of the Freedom Tools build are used.
The trace-decoder can be built on the command line or within Eclipse.
Below is a workflow for getting the project into Eclipse:
1. Clone the repo to your normal git repository (typically /git) using whatever method you like
2. Within Eclipse, import this repository/project directly into Eclipse using File -> Import -> Git -> Projects from Git
3. Select "Existing local repository"
4. Add the repository if not already added (you will need to do this only once)
5. Search the repository for Eclipse projects (there should only be one in the result list)
6. Check the 'trace-decoder' project (if not already checked)
7. Finish the wizard to create the new project in your workspace.
When you do it this way you will be working on the files directly in the local git repository. These files do not actually live in your workspace. You can still easily interact with your repo from a git CLI.
The Eclipse project includes "build targets" to make for easy building in Eclipse.
The makefile includes two configurations: Debug
and Release
(they are capitalized).
The default configuration is Debug
, so if you make clean
or make all
or make clean all
you will act on the Debug
configuration and all build artifacts will be in the Debug
To build the Release
configuration, use make CONFIG=Release all
(This is what Jenkins will use to build a release)
On the Windows and Linux versions, all libraries are statically linked in the executable. On OS X, only the libbfd, libopcodes, libibery, libintl, and libz libraries are statically linked.
There is a makefile.init
at the top level that contains the settings that apply to all configurations, including a list of OBJ files that needs to be updated when new source files are added. Each config sub-folder has a makefile that contains settings for the specific configuration (like optimization flags that generally differentiate a Release build from a Debug build).
Note: both the trace decider executable and library require a riscv version of objdump. Objdump is used to dump the symbol table information and perform disassembly of the elf file used to generate the trace. See the -od
swith for addtional information.
Use dqr -h
to display usage information. It will display something like:
Usage: dqr -t tracefile -e elffile [-ca cafile -catype (none | instruction | vector)] [-od objdump] [-btm | -htm] -basename name
[-pf propfile] [-srcbits=n] [-src] [-nosrc] [-file] [-nofile] [-func] [-nofunc] [-dasm] [-nodasm]
[-trace] [-notrace] [-pathunix] [-pathwindows] [-pathraw] [--strip=path] [-itcprint | -itcprint=n] [-noitcprint]
[-addrsize=n] [-addrsize=n+] [-32] [-64] [-32+] [-archsize=nn] [-addrsep] [-noaddrsep] [-analytics | -analyitcs=n]
[-noanalytics] [-freq nn] [-tssize=n] [-callreturn] [-nocallreturn] [-branches] [-nobranches] [-msglevel=n]
[-cutpath=<base path>] [-s file] [-r addr] [-debug] [-nodebug] [-v] [-h]
-t tracefile: Specify the name of the Nexus trace message file. Must contain the file extension (such as .rtd).
-e elffile: Specify the name of the executable elf file. Must contain the file extension (such as .elf).
-s simfile: Specify the name of the simulator output file. When using a simulator output file, cannot use
a tracefile (-t option). Can provide an elf file (-e option), but is not required.
-pf propfile: Specify a properties file containing information on trace. Properties may be overridden using command
-ca cafile: Specify the name of the cycle accurate trace file. Must also specify the -t and -e switches.
-catype nn: Specify the type of the CA trace file. Valid options are none, instruction, and vector
-od objdump: Specify the path and name of the obdjump executable to use. By default uses riscv64-unkonwn-elf-objdump in the
current path unless overridden by the RISCV_PATH environment variable. If not found in either of those, tries the
current working directory.
-btm: Specify the type of the trace file as btm (branch trace messages). On by default.
-htm: Specify the type of the trace file as htm (history trace messages).
-n basename: Specify the base name of the Nexus trace message file and the executable elf file. No extension
should be given. The extensions .rtd and .elf will be added to basename.
-cutpath=<cutPath>[,<newRoot>]: When searching for source files, <cutPath> is removed from the beginning of thepath name
found in the elf file for the source file name. If <newRoot> is given, it is prepended to the begging of the
after removing <cutPath>. If <cutPath> is not found, <newRoot> is not prepended. This allows having a local copy
of the source file sub-tree. If <cutPath> is not part of the file location, the original source path is used.
-src: Enable display of source lines in output if available (on by default).
-nosrc: Disable display of source lines in output.
-file: Display source file information in output (on by default).
-nofile: Do not display source file information.
-dasm: Display disassembled code in output (on by default).
-nodasm: Do not display disassembled code in output.
-func: Display function name with source information (off by default).
-nofunc: Do not display function information with source information.
-trace: Display trace information in output (off by default).
-notrace: Do not display trace information in output.
--strip=path: Strip of the specified path when displaying source file name/path. Strips off all that matches.
Path may be enclosed in quotes if it contains spaces.
-itcprint: Display ITC 0 data as a null terminated string. Data from consecutive ITC 0's will be concatenated
and displayed as a string until a terminating \0 is found. Also enables processing and display of
-itcprint=n: Display ITC channel n data as a null terminated string. Data for consecutive ITC channel n's will be
concatenated and display as a string until a terminating \n or \0 is found. Also enabled processing
and display of no-load-strings
-noitcprint: Display ITC 0 data as a normal ITC message; address, data pair
-nls: Enables processing of no-load-strings
-nonls: Disable processing of no-load-strings.
-addrsize=n: Display address as n bits (32 <= n <= 64). Values larger than n bits will print, but take more space and
cause the address field to be jagged. Overrides value address size read from elf file.
-addrsize=n+: Display address as n bits (32 <= n <= 64) unless a larger address size is seen, in which case the address
size is increased to accommodate the larger value. When the address size is increased, it stays increased
(sticky) and will be again increased if a new larger value is encountered. Overrides the address size
read from the elf file.
-32: Display addresses as 32 bits. Values lager than 32 bits will print, but take more space and cause
the address field to be jagged. Selected by default if elf file indicates 32 bit address size.
Specifying -32 overrides address size read from elf file
-32+ Display addresses as 32 bits until larger addresses are displayed and then adjust up to a larger
enough size to display the entire address. When addresses are adjusted up, they do not later adjust
back down, but stay at the new size unless they need to adjust up again. This is the default setting
if the elf file specifies > 32 bit address size (such as 64). Specifying -32+ overrides the value
read from the elf file
-64: Display addresses as 64 bits. Overrides value read from elf file
-archsize=nn: Set the architecture size to 32 or 64 bits instead of getting it from the elf file
-addrsep: For addresses greater than 32 bits, display the upper bits separated from the lower 32 bits by a '-'
-noaddrsep: Do not add a separator for addresses greater than 32 bit between the upper bits and the lower 32 bits
-srcbits=n: The size in bits of the src field in the trace messages. n must 0 to 16. Setting srcbits to 0 disables
multi-core. n > 0 enables multi-core. If the -srcbits=n switch is not used, srcbits is 0 by default.
-analytics: Compute and display detail level 1 trace analytics.
-analytics=n: Specify the detail level for trace analytics display. N sets the level to either 0 (no analytics display)
1 (sort system totals), or 2 (display analytics by core).
-noanaylitics: Do not compute and display trace analytics (default). Same as -analytics=0.
-freq nn: Specify the frequency in Hz for the timestamp tics clock. If specified, time instead
of tics will be displayed.
-tssize=n: Specify size in bits of timestamp counter; used for timestamp wrap
-callreturn: Annotate calls, returns, and exceptions
-nocallreturn Do not annotate calls, returns, exceptions (default)
-branches: Annotate conditional branches with taken or not taken information
-nobrnaches: Do not annotate conditional branches with taken or not taken information (default)
-pathunix: Show all file paths using unix-type '/' path separators (default)
Also cleans up path, removing // -> /, /./ -> /, and uplevels for each /../
-pathwindows: Show all file paths using windows-type '\' path separators
Also cleans up path, removing // -> /, /./ -> /, and uplevels for each /../
-pathraw: Show all file path in the format stored in the elf file
-msglevel=n: Set the Nexus trace message detail level. n must be >= 0, <= 3
-r addr: Display the label information for the address specified for the elf file specified
-debug: Display some debug information for the trace to aid in debugging the trace decoder
-nodebug: Do not display any debug information for the trace decoder
-v: Display the version number of the DQer and exit.
-h: Display this usage information.
Besides using the trace-decoder from inside Freedom Studio, the most common way to use the program is:
> dqr -t sort.rtd -e sort.elf -trace -od <path/to/objdump/riscv64-unknonwn-elf-objdump>
This will generate an output that looks something like:
Trace: Msg # 1, NxtAddr: 404002e2, TCode: SYNC (9) Reason: (3) Exit Debug I-CNT: 0 F-Addr: 0x20200171
File: C:\workspaces\wsFreedomStudio\sort\src/sort.c:25
Source: sort(data,sizeof data / sizeof data[0]);
404002e2: fc840793 addi a5,s0,-56
Trace: Msg # 2, NxtAddr: 404002e6, TCode: CORRELATION (33) EVCODE: 0 I-CNT: 2
Trace: Msg # 3, NxtAddr: 404002e6, TCode: SYNC (9) Reason: (3) Exit Debug I-CNT: 0 F-Addr: 0x20200173
404002e6: 45a1 li a1,8
404002e8: 853e mv a0,a5
404002ea: 3d59 jal 40400180 <sort>
Trace: Msg # 4, NxtAddr: 40400180, TCode: DIRECT BRANCH (3) I-CNT: 3
File: C:\workspaces\wsFreedomStudio\sort\src/sort.c:4
Source: {
40400180: 7179 addi sp,sp,-48
40400182: d622 sw s0,44(sp)
40400184: 1800 addi s0,sp,48
40400186: fca42e23 sw a0,-36(s0)
4040018a: fcb42c23 sw a1,-40(s0)
File: C:\workspaces\wsFreedomStudio\sort\src/sort.c:5
Source: for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) {
4040018e: 4785 li a5,1
40400190: fef42623 sw a5,-20(s0)
File: C:\workspaces\wsFreedomStudio\sort\src/sort.c:5
Source: for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) {
40400194: a045 j 40400234 <sort+b4>
Trace: Msg # 5, NxtAddr: 40400234, TCode: DIRECT BRANCH (3) I-CNT: 11
File: C:\workspaces\wsFreedomStudio\sort\src/sort.c:5
Source: for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) {
40400234: fec42703 lw a4,-20(s0)
40400238: fd842783 lw a5,-40(s0)
4040023c: f4f74de3 blt a4,a5,40400196 <sort+16>
Except it will be much longer.
If the files specified by the -t and -e options are not in the current directory, the path to each should be included. If the trace was collected with timestamps, they will be displayed in the trace information if the -trace option is given.
All trace output is sent to stdout.
The command line dqr program can use a properties file if the -pf <filename>
option is given on the command line. Not all options can be specified in the properties file, and some options, such as the CTF (Common Trace Format) and textual event file creation can only be specified in the properties file. The properties file is a text based file of the general form:
tag = value
Here is a list of the properties currently processed. The tag field is not case sensitive. Tags other than what is listed below are silently ignored.
rtd = <rtd file name>. Can have abs or rel path.
elf = <elf file name>. Can have abs or rel path.
srcbits = <number of src bits in trace messages>. 2^srcbits = # cores. 0 is the default if srcbits is not present.
bits = <number of address bits>. Normally 32 or 64. Default is 32 if not present.
trace.config.boolean.enable.itc.print.processing = <true | false | 0 | 1>. True enables normal ITC prints and nls prints. False enables nls prints. Default is false. = <n>, where n is the itc channel number for itc prints. 0 is the default. = <n>, where n is the number of bytes in the itc print buffer. 4096 is the default. = <true | false | 0 | 1>. Enables/disabled processing the trace file as a perf trace files. Setting to true will cause the trace decoder to generate text files containing performance counter information collected with the sifive_perf library. = <n>, where is the itc channel number for itc perf data. 6 is the default. = <n>, where is a a 32 bit number used for identifying the perf data signature in the trace itc message data. Default is the 32 bit value from the expression ('p' << 24) | ('e' << 16) | ('r' << 8) | ('f' << 0), or 0x70657266.
source.root = <path>. Path will be prepended to the path for source file lookup. Null by default.
source.cutpath = <path>. Path to remove from beginning of source file lookup before adding source.root. Null by default.
cafile = <CA trace file name>. Can have abs or rel path.
catype = <none | vector | instruction>. Type of ca trace file. None by default.
tssize = <n>. Where n is the number of bits in the timestamp counter. 40 by default.
pathtype = <unix | windows | raw>. How source paths should be displayed. unix will use '/' for folder separators, windows will use '\', raw will use what is in the elf file for paths. Default is raw.
freq = <n>. Where n is the timestamp frequency in Hz. A value of 0 means unknown. 0 is the default.
ctfenable = <true | false | 0 | 1>. A value of true enables CTF file generation. Default is false.
eventconversionenable = <true | false | 0 | 1>. A value of true enables generation of text files with event information from trace CTF messages. Default is false.
addressdisplayflags = <width of addresses to display in bits>. If width has a '+' appended to the end, the address displayed will grow past what is specified if needed. Default is 32+.
starttime = <n>. Where n is the number of nanoseconds after the Unix Epoch. n == -1 (the default value if not specified) will use the system time as the start time for the trace. Starttime is used in the CTF conversion metadata file.
hostname = <host name>. This will override the system host name and use the name provided as the host in the CTF conversion metadata file.
objdump = <path-to-objdump>. Specify the name and path for the objdump executable to use. The objdump executable must support RiscV elf files. If not specified, the executable name is riscv64-unknown-elf-objdump and the users path is tried first; if not found there, the environtment variable RISCV_PATH is tried, and if that files, the current working directlly is tried. If on windows, the .exe extention must be included.
The trace decoder can translate a SiFive Nexus trace file into a CTF (Common Trace Format) file, textual event files, or textual performace data files.. The CTF file can be processed by Trace Compass for viewing Flame Chart and Flame Graph data.
If the property ctfenable = true
is given in the properties file, a ctf folder will be created in the same folder as the Nexus trace file (usually named trace.rtd). CTF files will be written to the ctf folder, one per core plus a metadata file.
If the eventconversionenable = true
is contained in the properties file, CTF type events in the trace file will be translated and written to textual files. These are not the same as performance event counters (which used the settings flag). An events folder will be created in the same folder as the Nexus trace file. Text based files will be written to the events folder, one per event type, and one line per event. the name extension identifies the type of events in each file. Also, an events file will be created in the same folder as the Nexus trace file that contains all events. The all events text files with have the extension ".events". An event trace must be processed to get output in the event files. The first column of each event file is the processor ID (core number), the second column is the timestamp. If timestamps are not collected for the trace, all timestamp values will be 0. The columns after the timestamp are dependent on the type of events for the file. All events will have the address that created the event (identified by the "PC=" label). Transfer instructions (jumps, returns) will also have the destination address of the instruction (identified by the 'PCDest=' label).
If = true
is specified in the properties files, textual files will be created with hardware event counter information. The trace file must be created using the sifive_perf library, which will capture and write the performance counter infomration into the trace files. In the folder with the elf file, a file will be created using the same base name as the elf file, and the extention perf. Also, a folder will be created with the name perf, and individual files will be written to the folder for each perf type. See the document in the trace decoder doc folder for more information.
The first line of each textual event file will have the name of the elf file for the trace. Also, each event line in the event files will have the file, function, and line specified where in the source code the event occured (if available).
Not that CTF and Event conversion can only be enabled in the properties file, and not by using command line switches.
add no-load string info
There are two mechanisms available to capture printed text in the trace message stream; redirected stdio and a custom itcprintf() and itcputs() functions. Both cause writes to the ITC 0 stimulus register which generates either Auxiliary Access Write trace message or Data Acquisition trace messages messages to be generated. Using the trace-decoder, the printed output can be displayed. Additional information is given in doc/