A Telegram bot to ease the daily business of AGEPoly's Logistic team
The following instructions have not been tested yet and are more likely not really functionnal since the has too much interdependencies. Don't hesitate to reach out to @eliorpap on Telegram for setup help!
- Clone the repository
- Create a virtual environment
- Install the requirements
- Add a .env file
- Create a test bot on Telegram
- Add the token to the .env file (TOKEN=your_token)
- If you want to dev truffe related methods, ask for a truffe token and add it to the .env file (TRUFFE_TOKEN=your_token)
- If you want to dev Google calendar related methods, create a Google Cloud project and a service account. You can then add the credentials to the .env file (GSERVICE_CREDENTIALS=your_credentials)
- You also have to create a calendar and share it with the service account. Then add the calendar ID to the .env file (CALENDAR_ID=your_calendar_id)
- If you want to dev database related methods, create a MongoDB project, database and service account and add the credentials to the .env file (MONGO_URI=your_uri_provided_by_mongo)
- You have to open the database to the web in the network settings of MongoDB (
- If you want to dev support group related methods, create a support group and add the ID to the .env file (SUPPORT_GROUP_ID=your_group_id)
Run the bot with the following command: python3 main.py You can also run it from an IDE like PyCharm
You can run the following commands to execute standalone actions
- python3 main.py refresh_calendar
- python3 main.py expire_accreds