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Lachlan edited this page Jun 29, 2023 · 8 revisions

⚠️ Warning - Archived Page ⚠️

This page has been archived. It is only applicable for Treasury v1 and its contents are not valid as of Treasury v2.

Default settings.yml file

(This information is accurate as of version specified at the top of this page.)

# ## Treasury
# Treasury is a modern code library for plugins.
# GitHub Repository: <>
# ## About this File
# Welcome to the settings.yml file, here you may configure
# parts of the plugin. For most servers, this file can be
# left alone as it usually contains settings tailored to
# more experienced server owners.
# ## Applying Changes
# Whenever you have finished making your changes to this
# configuration file, please save it, then run
# `/treasury reload` if your server is already running.

# ## Settings regarding the debug logger.
# The debug logger is a system in Treasury only accessible
# to server administrators by default. It is used by Treasury
# developers on their test servers to assist in diagnosing any
# issues that may be present. It is recommended that all server
# owners leave this area alone as it will send a lot of spam to
# your console. Developers can configure what categories of debug
# logs they want to see to filter out all the messages.
  # ## What debug-categories should be sent to the console?
  # This setting allows you to tune what categories of debug messages
  # will be sent to the server's console. The list functions as a
  # blacklist or whitelist, as set by the `mode`.
    # ## What list mode should the debug logger use?
    # `WHITELIST` - only the specified categories in the list
    #               will be enabled.
    # `BLACKLIST` - only the non-specified categories in the list
    #               will be enabled.
    # Type: `String` (DebugCategoryMode constants) | Default: `WHITELIST`
    mode: "whitelist"
    # ## Contents of the debug logger categories list.
    # Add entries to the whitelist/blacklist here.
    # Use debug categories from the `DebugCategory` enum, available at GitHub.
    # Type: `List<String>` (DebugCategory constants) | Default: `[]` (empty)
    list: []

# ## Settings regarding the update checker.
# It is recommended you leave this enabled.
# The update checker makes a single check to the SpigotMC
# website to see if you are running the latest version of
# Treasury. It is asynchronous, and only sends a message
# if there is a new version available.
  # ## Should the update checker be enabled?
  # This setting allows you to enable/disable the update checker.
  # Type: Boolean | Default: `true`
  enabled: true

# ## Where to download latest Treasury version from
# This is for /treasury downloadLatest command
# Available options:
#  - mrivanplays: specifies to download from
#  - codemc: specifies to download from
download-platform: "mrivanplays"