- node.js/Express
- handlebar.js
- MVC style
- JavaScript/Jquery
- html/css
This website is just a front-end coffee shop webpage that I used to go to when I was in college. I used handlebar.js for the small tempalate part, and used node.js and express to route to each different pages. I used the bootstrap theme to start the webpage, but modified it by looking at other coffee shop webpage through "inspect me" in chrome browser. Nothing special about this webpage, I just wanted to make some "local" restaurant website. I do not own any pictures on this webpage actually. I grabbed pictures from page of the cricket's coffee. Hopefully I will contact them and let them know I made a such beautiful website for them, and sell it or something.
For the future development, I want to have Json file with datas of menus and images and want to call it through ajax call. This webpage is static from top bottom. Also, I will have the contact/sign up for newsletter working with backend. It is not working because I do not know how to do it through herokuapp. Another one is maybe I could add page with openmic sign up function. I think that would be cool too.