Record changes in the wallet's XRC20 token balance using Blocksscan Api.
Record to DB using sqlite.
git clone
cd blocksscan_api
chmod +x *.sh
nano .env
sleeptime : API execution interval(defalut is 300 seconds)
dbname : sqlite DB name for logging records
csvfile : Prefix of CSV file when outputting records from DB
nano address.json
Register the addresses to monitor.
If you want to monitor only a specific token, also include the token_address.
If you want to monitor a specific wallet at an interval different from sleeptime, also include interval_timer.
The unit of interval_timer is seconds.
Records in json format.
Firstly, "sqlite3", "bc", "jq" package is required.
If these packages are not installed, this process will automatically install them.
The DB will be created in the "data" directory.
If there is a difference between the XRC20 token in the wallet and the previous value, it will be recorded in the DB.
It can be loaded into a spreadsheet.