Monitor the execution status of Plugin FluxMonitor and notify Slack if a problem occurs. This program runs as a pm2 process.
Get the webhook URL to use Slack's Incoming Webhooks.
Please see below for how to register for Slack.
sudo apt install jq bc
git clone
cd FluxJobMonit_Slack
chmod +x
nano slack.conf
Read the instructions in the file and set your preferences.
If you want to detect errors from pm2 logs, define them using blacklists and whitelists.
nano grep_black_list.txt
Blacklists pick up a wide range of errors.
nano grep_white_list.txt
Even among messages extracted using the blacklist,
messages that contain other words that do not need to be detected can be excluded using the whitelist.
If you want to detect Network errors from pm2 logs, edit net_err_list.txt.
nano net_err_list.txt
The default settings already define error messages for WS/RPC errors and block synchronization delays.
Set permissions to connect to PostgreSQL without using the sudo command.
sudo -u postgres -i psql -c "CREATE ROLE \"$(whoami)\" LOGIN;"
sudo -u postgres -i psql -c "ALTER ROLE \"$(whoami)\" WITH LOGIN;"
sudo -u postgres -i psql -c "GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public To \"$(whoami)\";"
sudo -u postgres -i psql -d plugin_mainnet_db -c "GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO \"$(whoami)\";"
pm2 start
pm2 save