I'm Antoine Kingue, Full Stack Developer and Amateur Designer.
- tonightpass/kitchn - @tonightpass delicious React @styled-components (today)
- AntoineKM/claude-files - 📁 Automatically prepare files for Claude Projects - Flatten directories, handle duplicates, respect .gitignore, and track file origins. No more manual file uploads! (4 days ago)
- tonightpass/tonightpass - @tonightpass sdk and tools. (1 month ago)
- tonightpass/.github - (1 month ago)
- AntoineKM/antoine - cool tools to code like me. (1 month ago)
- ArkeeAgency/ytg-ninja - The feature everyone want on YTG (1 month ago)
- AntoineKM/staging - Password protect your staging & preview deployments. Free open-source alternative to Vercel & Netlify password protection - Next.js, Nuxt, Express (1 month ago)
- onRuntime/onruntime-discord-bot - (1 month ago)
- AntoineKM/dixt - The Discord Framework (1 month ago)
- AntoineKM/antoinek.fr - 👨💻 Next.js app for my personal website (1 month ago)
- tonightpass/tonightpass ([email protected], 1 day ago) - @tonightpass sdk and tools.
- AntoineKM/dixt ([email protected], 1 month ago) - The Discord Framework
- AntoineKM/staging ([email protected], 1 month ago) - Password protect your staging & preview deployments. Free open-source alternative to Vercel & Netlify password protection - Next.js, Nuxt, Express
- onRuntime/kartrak (v0.0.15, 1 month ago) - Le suivi d'activité tourné vers l'écologie.
- towfiqi/serpbear (v2.0.6, 1 month ago) - Search Engine Position Rank Tracking App
- tonightpass/kitchn ([email protected], 1 month ago) - @tonightpass delicious React @styled-components
- qotum/qotum (@qotum/[email protected], 5 months ago) - @qotum's usefull tools 🧰
- goenning/google-indexing-script (v0.4.0, 6 months ago) - Script to get your site indexed on Google in less than 48 hours
- AntoineKM/antoine ([email protected], 10 months ago) - cool tools to code like me.
- ✨ add storybook on tonightpass/kitchn (1 month ago)
- ✨ add nuxt support on AntoineKM/staging (1 month ago)
- ➖ remove cross-spawn on tonightpass/kitchn (2 months ago)
- ✨ add navigation menu on tonightpass/kitchn (2 months ago)
- 🎨 improve client types with full response and body on tonightpass/tonightpass (2 months ago)
- Fix gradient generation to reduce hue collisions for longer usernames on vercel/avatar (3 months ago)
- Handle undefined OAuth token pools gracefully on harlan-zw/request-indexing (3 months ago)
- fix ci on needforschool/fesipop (4 months ago)
- ✨ add nextjs app router support on tonightpass/kitchn (5 months ago)
- 🐛 fix console errors on tonightpass/kitchn (5 months ago)
- swark-io/swark - Create architecture diagrams from code automatically using large language models (LLMs). (2 days ago)
- druidui/ui - druid/ui (3 days ago)
- unclecode/crawl4ai - 🚀🤖 Crawl4AI: Open-source LLM Friendly Web Crawler & Scraper (4 days ago)
- wotschofsky/domain-digger - Full Toolkit for Next-Level Domain Analysis (5 days ago)
- blacklanternsecurity/bbot - The recursive internet scanner for hackers. 🧡 (5 days ago)
- ringtailsoftware/commy - A serial monitor for Mac, Linux and Windows (5 days ago)
- zasper-io/zasper - Fastest and Most Efficient IDE to run Jupyter Notebooks. (6 days ago)
- dokku/dokku - A docker-powered PaaS that helps you build and manage the lifecycle of applications (6 days ago)
- Aslam97/shadcn-minimal-tiptap - Minimal Tiptap Editor (1 week ago)
- Aider-AI/aider - aider is AI pair programming in your terminal (2 weeks ago)