Distributes an AMI by copying it to one, many, or all AWS regions, and by optionally making the AMIs and Snapshots public or shared with specific AWS Accounts.
usage: distami [-h] [--region REGION] [--to REGIONS] [--non-public] [--accounts AWS_ACCOUNT_IDs] [-p] [-v] [--version] AMI_ID Distributes an AMI by copying it to one, many, or all AWS regions, and by optionally making the AMIs and Snapshots public. positional arguments: AMI_ID the source AMI ID to distribute. E.g. ami-1234abcd optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --region REGION the region the AMI is in (default is current region of EC2 instance this is running on). E.g. us-east-1 --to REGIONS comma-separated list of regions to copy the AMI to. The default is all regions. Specify "none" to prevent copying to other regions. E.g. us-east-1,us-west-1,us- west-2 --non-public Copies the AMIs to other regions, but does not make the AMIs or snapshots public. Bad karma, but good for AMIs that need to be private/internal only --accounts AWS_ACCOUNT_IDs comma-separated list of AWS Account IDs to share an AMI with. Assumes --non-public. Specify --to=none to share without copying. -p, --parallel Perform each copy to another region in parallel. The default is in serial which can take a long time -v, --verbose enable verbose output (-vvv for more) --version display version number and exit
"As a publisher of a public AMI, you are responsible for the initial security posture of the machine images that you distribute...when an AMI is made public, it can be launched by customers who are not security experts, and who are not familiar with the history and details of the AMI." Make sure to secure your AMI before distributing it publicly: Public AMI Publishing: Hardening and Clean-up Requirements
Copy an AMI to all regions in parallel from an EC2 instance such as Aminator:
distami -p ami-abcd1234
Copy AMI in us-east-1
to us-west-1
distami --region us-east-1 ami-abcd1234 --to us-west-1
Copy an AMI in eu-west-1
to us-west-1
and us-west-2
, but do not make the AMI or its copies public
distami --region eu-west-1 ami-abcd1234 --to us-west-1,us-west-2 --non-public
Share an AMI in us-east-1
with the AWS account IDs 123412341234 and 987698769876. Do not copy to other regions and do not make public.
distami --region=us-east-1 ami-abcd1234 --to=none --accounts=123412341234,987698769876
You can install DistAMI using the usual PyPI channels. Example:
sudo pip install distami
You can find the package details here: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/distami
Alternatively, if you prefer to install from source:
git clone [email protected]:Answers4AWS/distami.git cd distami python setup.py install
DistAMI uses Boto to make the API calls, which means you can use IAM Roles and run DistAMI from an EC2 instance, or use environment variables or a .boto file to pass along your AWS credentials.
For more information:
The Python source code for DistAMI is available on GitHub:
This code was written by Peter Sankauskas, founder of Answers for AWS - a company focused on helping business get the most out of AWS. If you are looking for help with AWS, please contact us.
Copyright 2013 Answers for AWS LLC
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.