Releases: Ankr-network/game-unreal-aptos-sdk
Releases · Ankr-network/game-unreal-aptos-sdk
How To Download
- Download AptosSDK and extract to your project's 'Plugins' folder
- Go to your project's Source->YOUR_PROJECT_NAME->YOUR_PROJECT_NAME.Build.cs and add "AptosSDK" as a dependency shown below:
PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "Core", "CoreUObject", "Engine", "InputCore", "AptosSDK" });
- Go to your GameInstance.h and add the code shown below:
#include "AptosClient.h"
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, VisibleAnywhere, Category = "AptosSDK")
UAptosClient* aptosClient;
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "AptosSDK")
UAptosClient* GetAptosClient();
Go to your GameInstance.cpp and add the code shown below:
UAptosClient* UMyGameInstance::GetAptosClient()
if (aptosClient == nullptr)
aptosClient = NewObject<UAptosClient>();
return aptosClient;
- Compile and Play Unreal Editor
- That's it.
What's New
Demonstrate how to create an Aptos Raw Transaction (Unsigned Transaction) serialized as BCS (Binary Canonical Serialization) format, sign the transaction and submit the signed transaction to Aptos blockchain.
Release Notes
- Implementation of Network and Cryptographic Library in C++
- Generate Aptos Account off-chain
- Create collections for an account
- Create tokens in a collection for an account
- Offer tokens from one account to claim by the other account
- Claim tokens that were offered
- Cancel pending tokens that were offered but not yet claimed
- Transfer of coin(s) from one account to another account
- Check coin balance for an account
- Burn a token by creator or owner
- Added support for Unreal Engine 5.1.0.
- C++ Code reduced and optimized.
- Minimum Tested Unreal Engine supported version 4.26.2
- Maximum Tested Unreal Engine supported version 5.1.0.
- Minor bugs fixed
Supported Platforms
- Windows
Full Changelog: