This repository contains code for training and evaluating the models described in the paper "Complex Facial Expression Recognition Using Deep Knowledge Distillation of Basic Features" by Angus Maiden and Bahareh Nakisa. The code is developed and maintained by Angus Maiden. The program can be run in three phases, corresponding with those described in the paper, as well as a visualisation phase:
- Basic FER Phase
Train a model to recognise the basic emotions (Anger, Disgust, Fear, Happy, Sad, Surprise). - Continual Learning Phase
The trained model from the Basic FER Phase is used to learn new compound expression classes sequentially, by incrementally adding new classes until all of the expressions have been learned. - Few-Shot Learning Phase
The trained model from the Basic FER Phase is used to learn new compound expression classes, one at a time, using only a very small number of samples of the new class. - Visualisation
Produce the visualisations from the paper.
The dataset used for training is Compound Facial Expressions of Emotion (CFEE), which can be downloaded from You will need to request access from the dataset provider. The unzipped dataset folder "CFEE_Database_230" should be placed in the "data/raw" folder. The program will save the processed data to the "data/processed" folder after face detection and alignment. The program will save the trained models to the "models" folder, results to the "results" folder, and images and visualisations to the "images" folder.
Prerequisites: Python 3.9
Download the repository and navigate to it:
git clone
cd complex-FER
Create a new python environment:
pip install venv
python -m venv venv
Activate the environment
For Linux:
source venv/bin/activate
(or) For Windows:
Install the program:
pip install .
The code in this repository is designed to be run as a self-contained command line interface (CLI).
To run the experiments in different phases and with different hyperparameters, run this command from within the complex-FER
directory from the installation steps above:
complex-FER <options>
You can see a list of options and their usage by running:
complex-FER --help
--phase TEXT Phase of the experiment to run. Options: all,
basic, cont, fewshot, vis. Default: all
--seed INTEGER Seed to use for random number generation.
Default: 42. Enter "None" for no random seed.
--dataset TEXT Dataset to use for training. Options: CFEE
--epochs INTEGER Number of epochs to train for. Default: 1000
--basic_batch_size INTEGER Batch size to use for training in the Basic
FER Phase. Default: 32
--cont_batch_size INTEGER Batch size to use for training in the
Continual Learning Phase. Default: 16
--fewshot_batch_size INTEGER Batch size to use for training in the Few-
Shot Learning Phase. Default: 32
--basic_lr FLOAT Learning rate to use for training in the
Basic FER Phase. Default: 1e-4
--cont_lr FLOAT Learning rate to use for training in the
Continual Learning Phase. Default: 1e-5
--basic_finetuning_lr FLOAT Learning rate to use for finetuning in the
Basic FER Phase. Default: 1e-6
--patience INTEGER Patience to use for early stopping. Default:
--basic_frozen_layers INTEGER Number of layers to freeze for transfer
learning in Basic FER Phase. Default: 86
--cont_frozen_layers INTEGER Number of layers to freeze for transfer
learning in Continual Learning Phase.
Default: 154
--cont_fold INTEGER Complex emotion list to use in Continual
Learning Phase. Default: 0
--cont_val_fold INTEGER Validation fold from Basic FER Phase to use
in Continual Learning Phase. Default: 0
--cont_mem_mode TEXT Representative Memory mode to use for
Continual Learning Phase. Options: limit,
grow. Default: grow
--img_height INTEGER Height of images to use for training.
Default: 224
--img_width INTEGER Width of images to use for training. Default:
--num_basic_classes INTEGER Number of basic classes to use for training.
Default: 6
--exclude_emotions TEXT Comma-separated list of emotions to exclude
from training. Default: Neutral
--n_shots INTEGER Number of shots to use for Few-shot Learning
Phase. Default: 5. Enter "all" to use all
training data.
--subj INTEGER Subject to use for visualisation. Default: 1.
--help Show this message and exit.