您可以在Release页面下载最新的发行版本,下载后点击运行Anawaert KMS Activator.exe,再点击程序主界面右下角的“激活”按钮即可完成Windows或Office的激活。
若您发现程序无法正常运行,请检查是否安装了.NET 6桌面运行时,或者您可以尝试重新下载最新的发行版本。
You can download the latest release version on the Release page and run Anawaert KMS Activator.exe after downloading. Then click the "one-click activation" button in the lower right corner of the main interface of the program to complete the activation of Windows or Office.
If you find that the program cannot run normally, please check whether the .NET 6 Desktop runtime is installed, or you can try to download the latest release version again.
Windows 11:
- Windows 11 Pro(N) (Verified)
- Windows 11 Pro Education (N) (Verified)
- Windows 11 Enterprise (N/G) (Verified)
- Windows 11 Education (N)
Windows 10:
- Windows 10 Pro (N) (Verified)
- Windows 10 Pro Education (N) (Verified)
- Windows 10 Education (N)
- Windows 10 Enterprise (N/G) (Verified)
- Windows 10 Enterprise (N) LTSC 2021/2019
- Windows 10 Enterprise (N) LTSB 2016/2015
Windows 8/8.1:
- Windows 8/8.1 Pro (N) (Verified)
- Windows 8/8.1 Enterprise (N) (Verified)
Windows 7:
- Windows 7 Professional (N/E) (Verified)
- Windows 7 Enterprise (N/E)
Windows Vista:
- Windows Vista Business (N)
- Windows Vista Enterprise (N)
Windows Server:
- Windows Server 2022/2019/2016 Standard
- Windows Server 2022/2019/2016 Datacenter
- Windows Server 2012/2008 R2 Datacenter
- Windows Server 2012 R2 Server Standard
- Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard
- Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise
- Office 2021 Professional Plus (Verified)
- Office 2019 Professional Plus (Verified)
- Office 2016 Professional Plus (Verified)
- Office 2013 Professional Plus (Verified)
- Office 2010 Professional Plus (Verified)
- 对于在64位的Windows 10与Windows 11上,以32位安装的Office 2016/2019/2021,程序无法将它们区分,不能保证激活的及时性。
For Office 2016/2019/2021 installed in 32-bit on 64-bit Windows 10 and Windows 11, the program cannot distinguish them, and the timeliness of activation cannot be guaranteed.- 对于Windows 11和Windows 10,由于它们在注册表中的产品名称具有高度的类似性,程序无法区分它们,不能保证激活的准确性。
For Windows 11 and Windows 10, due to the high similarity of their product names in the registry, the program cannot distinguish them, and the accuracy of activation cannot be guaranteed.
- 安装有.NET 6运行时
- 不低于Windows 7 Professionally x86版本
- 双核2.4GHz或更高的处理器,至少1 GiB的内存大小
- 至少Windows 10 1809 x64的版本
- 安装了Visual Studio 2022,且安装了.NET 6及以上的.NET SDK
- 双核3.2 GHz或更高的处理器,至少4 GiB的内存大小
- Animations
- Converter
- Documents
存放程序的XML文档Anawaert KMS Activator.xml
- Images
存放程序贴图相关的文件Activator_MainPage.png Office19_Logo.png Win10_Logo.png KMS_Activator_LOGO.png KMS_Activator_LOGO_ICO.ico
- Office_Activate
存放与操作Office相关的源文件Office_Activate_KMS.cs:与激活Office相关的类与函数 Office_Configuration_KMS.cs:与获取Office信息与状态相关的静态类与静态函数
- RW_Configuration
存放读写程序配置的源文件Config_Read.cs:与读取配置文件相关的静态函数 Config_Type.cs:定义了JSON文件的序列化与反序列化的类型 Config_Write.cs:与写入配置文件相关的静态函数
- Shared_Code
存放全局共享使用的源文件Current_Config.cs:程序全局共享的程序界面配置静态变量 Shared.cs:全程序集都可以使用的一些静态函数与静态变量 UI_Thread_Operations.cs:关于线程UI的Invoke函数操作的封装,暂时为空
- Windows_Activate
- MainWindow.xaml、MainWindow.xaml.cs、Program.cs:程序的UI界面XAML、C#文件与入口点源文件
On modern Windows systems, official releases of Education, Professional, and Enterprise each provide bulk activation options that can be licensed at C:\Window\system32\slmgr.vbs. Modern Office software, on the other hand, provides batch activation through OSPP.vbs license located in the Office core installation directory. Therefore, you only need to implicitly call the two Vbscript files and pass the correct command to activate Windows/Office.
When performing the activation of Windows, you can run slmgr.vbs (in the background) by using C:\Window\system32 \cscript.exe and setting the appropriate parameters after judging the current Windows version through the registry. To activate Office, you first need to determine the version of Office, then use information in the registry and file system to find the correct Office core installation path, and finally use cscript.exe to run OSPP.vbs correctly (in the background).
Anawaert KMS Activator的开源旨在让更多桌面开发者学习、了解Windows系统中slmgr.vbs的使用,从而对市面上的KMS激活软件的原理、Windows的通过KMS方式激活的过程有更清晰的理解,并非鼓励大家去使用非微软官方授权的Windows或Office产品以逃避购买正版许可。该应用完全免费、开源,且将保持长期更新,任何个人与组织都不得以任何形式修改本程序的源代码后进行诸如售等商业行为,这并非Anawaert Studio的本意,因此上述商业行为与Anawaert Studio无关。Anawaert Studio对该程序发布在Github上的源代码保留有最终解释权。