=== Background Music Menu === Contributors: glanit Tags: glanit, nav, menu, nav menu, nav menus, nav menu item type, background music, music, navigation, sound, music website Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=8MWCZ8SFSNNTE Requires at least: 4.0 Tested up to: 4.7.0 Stable tag: 1.0.0 License: GPLv2 License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
Adds background music to website as a choice of item in navigation menus admin area.
== Description ==
Adds background music to website as a choice of item in navigation menus admin area.
Features include:
- background music available as a choice in the admin area for navigation menus,
- simple plugin for creating background music on the site,
- any format supports html5,
- uses cookies to remember the user's choice,
- simple settings for correct display,
- very lightweight,
- in keeping styles, html, behaviour, etc., with wordpress defaults,
- You can use any musical composition simply by inserting a link. Does not support uploading a file, due to security concerns.
= Those wanting to translate this plugin, please do. =
I believe the plugin is in a translatable state and I'll do everything I can to help in translation. It should be relatively quick as there isn't much text to the plugin.
== Installation ==
- After installation, go Settings > Background Music Menu and configure your plugin
- Background music menu should appear as an option in the Appearance > Menus section of the admin area upon activation.
Demo http://novgrodit.com/work/wp/plugins/background-music-or-sound-for-websites-plugin-wordpress/
== Frequently Asked Questions == = Q: What music formats does it support? =
A: Format MIME-type MP3 audio/mpeg Ogg audio/ogg Wav audio/wav
= Q: Why can not I upload a song file to my site? =
A: This is due to two reasons:
- The ability to upload a file to your service is a big threat.
- Because of the optimization of your resource. Any video and audio create a high load on your resource.
If you want to still use the file from your server, you can upload it via ftp. After that, insert the direct path to your file in the plugin's settings.
== Changelog ==
= v1.0.0: Initial release =
== Screenshots ==
The screen view * wp-admin / nav-menus.php * with the plug-in enabled.
View settings page
== Upgrade Notice ==
=1.0= Initial release