- OSv is a Linux-based JeOS designed to run in a guest VM on the cloud infrastructure and it supports different hypervisors with a minimal amount of architecture-specific code.
- OSv provides Unikernel OS which shrink the resource footprint of cloud services. They are built by compiling high-level languages directly into specialised machine images that run directly on a hypervisor, such as Xen, or on bare metal. Since hypervisors power most public cloud computing infrastructure such as Amazon EC2, this lets your services run more cheaply, more securely and with finer control than with a full software stack.
- A virtual appliance is a preconfigured software solution that makes it possible to package, maintain, update and manage one or more virtual machines together as a single unit on the hypervisor.
- OSv virtual appliances are virtual machine images with popular software, and management tools, pre-installed.
- The goal of the project is to wrap any exisiting java program into a Spring Rest API and creating a OSv VAP image of this app. This images are uploaded to AWS as AMI(Amazon Machine Image) and run on HAV(Hardware Assisted Virtualization).
- The VM images for OSv-based virtual appliances are small, often only 12-20MB larger than the application itself.
Install go package:
wget https://golang.org/doc/install?download=go1.12.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz
Untar the tar.gz into /usr/local folder
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.2.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz
Install qemu-kvm package.
sudo apt-get install qemu-kvm
Set the ENV variables:
echo 'export GOPATH=$HOME/go' >> $HOME/.profile echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin:/usr/local/go/bin' >> $HOME/.profile source $HOME/.profile
Install Capstan
go get github.com/cloudius-systems/capstan
Chekout this repository. Run the following command from within the directory where pom.xml is present.
mvn clean package
Test this fat jar independently by running the following command:
java -jar target/chess-rest-api-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
The REST API services for the Chess App will be running at localhost:8081/chess/newGame
(POST request)
capstan run -f "8081:8081"-f "8000:8000"
Chess Spring App runs on port 8081 OSv Dashboard and its REST APIs are available on port 8081.
Also this will create a image( disk.qcow2
) in the directory ~/.capstan/instances/qemu/chess-rest-api
- Chess's white piece will be the player using the rest service.
- All white pieces will be placed from a to h (horizontally-left to right) and 1 to 8 (bottom to top).
- Please use the following service with Postman client.
- All requests are POST requests. Request and reponse JSON are provided for each kind of request.
- Please select POST request, in the request body section select "raw" and then select type as "application/json" from the drop down.
- You can copy the sample request json and change the values accordingly.
- Spring Application is exposed on port 8081. If you change the mapping on the host port then change the url accordingly. (Assumption host port & spring container port are mapped as 8081.
- session(String): This will contain the session Id for the game provide by the newGame service(described below).
- start(Stirng): The start square of the piece to be moved e.g. e2.
- end(String): A target square of the piece for the the move e.g e4. It must be a valid square else the move will not be made.
- message(String): Used in response for providing a description based on the move made.
- status(String): Provides the status of the game i.e. ONGOING, FINISHED, QUIT. QUIT is provided if the quit service was invoked.
URL: localhost:8081/chess/newGame
Request Type: POST
Request JSON:
Response JSON:
The response is the session id of the game which is requried when invoking the subsequent services.
URL: localhost:8081/chess/move
Request Type: POST
Request JSON:
Response JSON:
"start": "f7",
"end": "f6",
"session": "d85409d0-041c-4c04-85e4-c16b230b9274",
"message": "",
"status": "ONGOING"
URL: localhost:8081/chess/quit
Request Type: POST
Request JSON:
Response JSON:
"start": "",
"end": "",
"session": "d85409d0-041c-4c04-85e4-c16b230b9274",
"message": "The game exited successfully.",
"status": "QUIT"
Step 1: Convert the disk.qcow2 image located at ~/.capstan/instances/qemu/chess-rest-api
to a raw
format image
qemu-img convert disk.qcow2 chess-rest-api-img.raw
Create a IAM role named vmimport
using the qemu-images/trust-policy.json
(change the current directory):
aws iam create-role --role-name vmimport --assume-role-policy-document "file://trust-policy.json"
Tag role policy to this vmimport
role using role-policy.json
(change the current directory):
aws iam put-role-policy --role-name vmimport --policy-name vmimport --policy-document "file://role-policy.json"
Step 2: Create a bucket on AWS S3 with the command:
aws s3 mb s3://com.uic.cs441.hw4.amrish
Step 3: Upload the raw
image format file to s3 bucket with the command:
aws s3 cp chess-rest-api-img.raw s3://com.uic.cs441.hw4.amrish/
Step 4: Import the image uploaded in s3 bucket as a snapshot for EC2 using the command.
is provided in the qemu-images
It has the format and the s3 bucket name and key details:
aws ec2 import-snapshot --description "OSv Chess Rest API CS 441 Amrish" --disk-container "file://containers.json"
Step 5: Create an AMI image from this snapshot:
Step 6: Configure the image to have HAV(Hardware Assisted Virtualization), Storage as Magnetic disk.
Step 7: Image will be available under AMI(Amazon Machine Image) on EC2 portal.
Step 8: Launch an instance of this image with following configurations:
a) Select General Purpose t2.micro as the instance type for free tier:
b) Default config for Instance Config screen:
c) For storage change volume type to Magnetic(standard) for free tier:
d) Default config for Add Tags screen:
e) Default SSH inbound traffic is allowed, add additional rules so traffic on port 8000, 8081 is all allowed.
Review and Launch the instance.
Step 9: EC2 instance screen. Get the domain name provided on the screen.
Step 10: Hit the URL, <ec2_domain_name>:8081/chess/newGame
from Postman as a POST request.
You can directly run the docker container by pulling the docker image from the DockerHub with the command:
sudo docker run -d -p "8081:8081" ajhave5/chess-hw4-amrish:latest
This should start the container and the Spring App inside it.
Using Postman with the url localhost:8081/chess/newGame
and appropriate parameters as described above you should receive a valid response.
Step 1 : Open Get Started link of AWS ECS
Step 2: Create a custom Container definition: (Docker Image at https://hub.docker.com/r/ajhave5/chess-hw4-amrish ) Provide Container name, docker-hub registry url of the image (registry.hub.docker.com/ajhave5/chess-hw4-amrish) and port mapping for port 8081.
Step 3: Provide appropriate task name.
Step 4: On the Define your Service screen keep the default configuration (no load balancers)
Step 5: Provide a cluster name.
Step 6: Review and launch.
Using the domain-name or public ip-address you access the relevant REST APIS on port 8081.
- Maven - it an manage a project's build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information.
- SpringBoot - easy to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring based Applications that you can "just run".
- OSv - open source operating system designed for the cloud
- Docker - building containerized applications
- AWS EC2 - Secure and resizable compute capacity in the cloud.
- AWS ECS - Run containerized applications in production