$ git clone git://github.com/FaKod/neo4j-spatial-scala.git
$ cd neo4j-spatial-scala
$ mvn clean install
This library needs Neo4j-Scala that you have to "mvn install" first.
Or try to maven fetch it with a Github Maven Repo:
Neo4j Spatial Scala Wrapper needs a Spatial Database Service Provider, it has to implement SpatialDatabaseServiceProvider trait. One possibility is to use the SimpleSpatialDatabaseServiceProvider for embedded Neo4j instances where you simply have to define a Neo4j storage directory. A class using the wrapper is f.e.:
class MyNeo4jClass extends SomethingClass with Neo4jSpatialWrapper with EmbeddedGraphDatabaseServiceProvider with SimpleSpatialDatabaseServiceProvider {
def neo4jStoreDir = "/tmp/temp-spatial-neo"
. . .
Transactions are wrapped by withSpatialTx. After leaving the "scope" success is called (or rollback if an exception is raised):
withSpatialTx {
implicit neo =>
deleteLayer("test", new NullListener)
val layerNames = getLayerNames
To ease the Layer handling a Layer scope can be provided:
// return or create a Layer instance
withLayer(getOrCreateEditableLayer("test")) {
implicit layer =>
// adding a new Point to Layer "test"
val point = add newPoint ((15.3, 56.2))
Tuples are used for locations, List of Tuples for geometries with more than one location. Case class serialization can by added by "using ..."
case class City(name: String)
case class FederalState(name: String)
. . .
val point = add newPoint ((15.3, 56.2))
val munich = add newPoint ((15.3, 56.2)) using City("Munich")
val ring = LinRing((15.0, 56.0) ::(16.0, 56.0) ::(15.0, 57.0) ::(16.0, 57.0) ::(15.0, 56.0) :: Nil)
val bayern = add newPolygon (ring) using FederalState("Bayern")
munich --> "CapitalCityOf" --> bayern
Spatial searches start with Search
and the type of search, like:
- within
- withinDistance
- coveredBy
- intersect
- … more to come ...
For instance:
// search all cities within envelope
val sw = Search within Envelope(15.0, 16.0, 56.0, 57.0)
for (r <- sw; city <- r.toCC[City]) yield city