- Java 17
- Selenium, TestNG, Maven
- Chrome browser
- IntelliJ IDEA
- Git, GitHub
TC #1: Make an order
Test Data:
- Base URL: https://petstore.octoperf.com/
- UserLogin: qa
- UserPassword: test
- ProductID: FL-DSH-01 Manx
- ItemID: EST-15
- User is logged in
- User is landed on the Home page https://petstore.octoperf.com/actions/Catalog.action
- Shopping card is empty
- Go to Cats page by clicking on Cat pic from Home page
- Select ProductID: FL-DSH-01 Manx
- Select ItemID: EST-15
- Add Item to the card
- Confirm Item is available in the stock: stockStatus = "true"
- Proceed to Checkout
- Confirm the order
Expected Result:
- New Order was successful: "Thank you, your order has been submitted" message occur
- New Order is not in Old Order List
- New Order is in New Order list
- New Order List has one order more than the Old one