- Created raw Django Project
- Installed packages & requirements.txt
- Created 2 apps (CSVFaker_main, base)
- Configured linters
- Created Git repo
- Redefined default Django-User model
- Created simple templates for login/logout
- Created model for Schema, Column with FK to Schema
- Defined path for storage .csv files for each Schema
- Designed templates: list of user's schemas, new scheme creation page
- Created inline formset for Schema+Column
- Implemented system to add columns dynamically on scheme creation page
- Added inline creation of Schema and multiple Columns for one
- Added urls for 'CRUD' of schemas
- Installed Celery, and some other modules for development
- Created page for generating rows, for all available for user schemas
- Designed functions for generating rows on backend, and saving it to unique-named file
- Added possibility for downloading last created file for all schemas
- Added status bar for every scheme, which displays actual status of generating file on backend.
There are 4 statuses:
- waiting (waiting for queue in celery)
- processing (backend processing data)
- ready (data generated, file can be downloaded)
- failed (something went wrong in the process of generation)
- All auth-logic classes moved to accounts app
- Added fields to Column model for setting range for some types of fields
- Rebuild big part of CSS for scheme-creation form
- Removed some redundant views
- Added remove button for additional columns on scheme creation page
- Configured Nginx
- Created Dockerfile and docker-compose files
- Made minor cosmetic changes
- Provided https connection to local server
- Designed volumes for Docker
- Reworked static files path's for deployment
- Project deployed on host-service
- Configured host machine for working with Django + Docker-compose
- Path's to media files reworked for normal downloading from the site
- Test task Done
[1.06, 1.07, 1.08]
- Made minor changes for correct work on the server
Tech tasks are in techtask.txt
13/13 tasks done (techtask.txt)
11 tasks fully implemented
2 tasks not fully implemented
- Issue 1 [task №5]: User can pick range only in 1st column. There is a problem with JavaScript on frontend, that should be fixed.
- Issue 2 [task №12]: Https not provided, because of some problems with Docker Nginx and domain name registration.