This project involves the formal specification of a simplified version of the classic Asteroids Arcade Game, created as part of the Formal Methods module at the University of Westminster. Using B-Method, I modeled and verified a system where a spaceship navigates through a grid-based space region, avoiding asteroids and optimizing power usage, while adhering to strict constraints.
- Space Region Modeling: A 12x7 grid representing the game space with clearly defined asteroids and safe zones.
- Spaceship Operations:
- Normal Moves: Move up, down, left, or right, consuming 5 units of power per move.
- Warp-Drive: Jump to any non-asteroid location, consuming 20 units of power.
- Collision Handling: Lose power and reset to the previous location if colliding with an asteroid.
- Game States:
- Win: Successfully dock at the starbase (6,4).
- Lose: Run out of power before reaching the starbase.
- In Progress: Continue navigating the space region.
- Mission Queries:
- MissionStatus: Check the current game state, spaceship location, power, and collisions.
- RegionsVisited: Track all regions traversed by the spaceship.
: Defines the game space, including the grid, asteroids, homebase, and starbase.Spaceship.mch
: Specifies the spaceship's movements, power management, and game logic.SpaceRegion.prob
: ProB files for animating and validating the models.Report.pdf
: A detailed explanation of the project, including the structure diagram and invariant descriptions.
- B-Method: Formal specification language used to define the system.
- Atelier B: Tool for writing and checking B specifications.
- ProB: Model checker and animator to validate and simulate the system.
- Grade Achieved: 97/100.
- Successfully modeled and verified a robust system free from logical errors.
- Enhanced understanding of formal specification for real-world applications.