A straightforward music player interface for cc-tweaked!
CC:Music is currently being rewritten from scratch so updates to this branch will not happen much, to use new brach please use dev branch. Thus there are quite a few bugs and this program appears to not fully work with new verison of cc tweaked.
wget run https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Ai-Kiwi/cc-Music/main/install.lua
how to download a song.
1: obtain a song from YouTube or another source.
2: Use music.madefor.cc to transfer to the correct format.
3: drag and drop the file into the playlist you would like to have it in
If you would like to make any changes, please feel free to help out! However, make sure to only upload to the development branch. If you would like to help out, I'd suggest you make the following files locally inside of your github project. (.gitignore file will stop them from syncing) They will help you out hugely with development! (make sure you have craftos-pc installed and then just double click start.bat file you made to test)
shell.run("attach top speaker top")
shell.run("core dev")
start.bat (make sure to make path your own)
powershell -Command "craftos-pc --start-dir '<full drive path to local github download>'"
:: eg : powershell -Command "craftos-pc --start-dir 'C:\Users\Ai Kiwi\Documents\coding projects\cc tweaked programs\cc-Music'"