Original Yiimp Installer : https://github.com/cryptopool-builders/multipool_original_yiimp_installer
Connect on your VPS =>
- adduser pool (pool it's just an example...)
- adduser pool sudo
- sudo reboot
- log back in
- su - pool
- sudo apt -y install git
- git clone https://github.com/Afiniel-tech/yiimp-old-installer.git
- cd Yiimp-kawpow-installer
- bash install.sh (Remember to be on your pool user Beforce you do Bash install.sh)
- At the end, you MUST REBOOT to finalize installation...
If you have issue after installation (nginx,mariadb... not found), use this script : bash install-debug.sh (watch the log during installation)
- /var/web/serverconfig.php : update this file to include your public ip (line = YAAMP_ADMIN_IP) to access the admin panel (Put your PERSONNAL IP, NOT IP of your VPS). update with public keys from exchanges. update with other information specific to your server..
- /etc/yiimp/keys.php : update with secrect keys from the exchanges (not mandatory)
- If you want change 'AdminPanel' to access Panel Admin : Edit this file "/var/web/yaamp/modules/site/SiteController.php" and Line 11 => change 'AdminPanel'
- The configuration of yiimp and coin require a minimum of knowledge in linux
- Your mysql information (login/Password) is saved in ~/.my.cnf
- Server Name (no http:// or www !!!!! Example : crypto.com OR pool.crypto.com OR
- Are you using a subdomain (mypoolx11.crypto.com)
- Enter support email
- Set stratum to AutoExchange
- Your Public IP for admin access (Put your PERSONNAL IP, NOT IP of your VPS)
- Install Fail2ban
- Install UFW and configure ports
- Install LetsEncrypt SSL
This install script will get you 95% ready to go with yiimp. There are a few things you need to do after the main install is finished.
It is every server owners responsibility to fully secure their own servers. After the installation you will still need to customize your serverconfig.php file to your liking, add your API keys, and build/add your coins to the control panel.
Yiimp-kawpow-Install Script by Afiniel. Wanna help me out? Feel free to Thanks for!
BTC: bc1q338jnjdl6dky7ka88ln8qmcekal48uw072n9v9 LTC: LW4iFgCTQAVWoxe4VF7nFy2WLHdR6xNkjK DOGE: DSpy3taXqkbWSkhM4GMtsXftxyYHX2Gt3r