Thie project contains the reources used in the Dynamic Test Suite Using Postman article.
- Import the Postman collection and the Environment.
- Edit the url variable in the environment to point to the server on which the APIs are hosted.
The APIs can be created and run on your local system or an online REST API service can be used. I used Sandbox for this. In case you want to use Sandbox, these steps can be followed.
Go to Sandbox Home Page.
Select Blank Sandbox.
Select the Code panel.
Replace the content of the main.mjs and users.mjs files with those present in this project.
Save the files.
Go back to the Overview panel and copy the link to one of the APIs.
Copy the base path of the API.
- <base_path>/users/[userId]
Paste this base path as the value of the url variable in the Postman environment.