Second alpha version
- Full-featured Stealth Mode module
- New network drivers
- New content injection algorithm (IMPORTANT: compatibility with antiviruses is not yet tested)
- Improved SSL filtering - added OCSP Stapling (#13)
- Reinstall Certificate button (#80)
Now no need in manual stop/delete of some folders to recreate AG certificate. Adguard will automatically close all browsers, generate and import new certificate. - [Filtering Log] Added source filter subscription to log record (#14)
- Extended tray icon tooltip (#52)
- Escape now works as "Back" link
- Save/restore window position
- Icon for Microsoft Edge (#11)
- "Reset statistics" function (#21)
- Confirmation dialog on driver change (#20)
- [Filtering Log] Empty log placeholder
- Added version and last update time to the list of filters in Ad Blocker settings (#17)
- [Filter Editor] Ctrl+C support (#46)
- WPF driver enables itself on service restart (#15)
- Filters state is out of sync (#68)
- Filter rules import ignores file encoding (#49)
- Make filters search case insensitive (#23)
- Cannot change Assistant button position in Firefox (#74)
- Filtering Log - change default ordering - newer first (#76)
- Decrease "Threat blocked" popup duration (#22)
- Fixed an issue with main window activation when you are trying to open blocked thread report
- Blocked trackers counter is reset to zero after app restart (#26)
- Fixed validation of the email field in Support section (#42)
- Filtering Log - fill "Rule" column for filtered page (#77)
- Filtering Log - now you'll see filtered pages when you enable "Blocked" filter
- Wrong icon is used in tray menu when DPI scaling is set to >100% (#34)
- Clicking 'more extensions' on extension installer page opens wrong page (#35)
- Crash on Windows 10 (#44)
- "Auto-activation of the filter" dialog's "More details" and "Turn off filters auto-activation" buttons only work when Adguard's main UI is open (#59)
- When a filter gets removed the confirmation question (Are you sure?) is behind the actual GUI (#16)
- Service restore button is disabled (#55)
- Now you can copy license key
- Tray menu: Disable "Show last popup" if we have nothing to show (#48)
- Filtering Log missed elements removed from the filtered page
- Fixed IPv6/QUIC issue (no filtering in Chrome when QUIC over IPv6 is used)
- Old icons in start menu (#71)
- Fixed: Driver type does not change until service restart
- Elements under dialog should not be focusable (#63)
- Filters last update check time does not change on the main screen (#72)
- Blurry fonts (#1)
- Error on update check (#65)
- No desktop shortcut created (#2)
- Do not show "Clear" button when text input is empty (#43)
- If you manually add Firefox to applications list - icon is missed (#24)
- Applications scan misses Chrome (#25)
- Installer ignores custom install location
- Settings can't be opened from tray menu (#33)
- Language name disappears when you navigate to Settings second time (#28)
- Errors on service stop:
#66 - Filtering Log does not contain elements removed from the page by URL filtering rules (#38)
- Problem on service startup after windows update (#73)
- Messed localization after language change in initial wizard
- Extensions list - no "Remove" button (#40)
- Empty spaces appear when you copy rule from Filter Editor window
- Crash on editing filters
- Missing trial period on Windows 10 (#75)
- Crash on copying rules from Filter Editor
- Lots of minor localization and layout issues:
#57 - Extra dialog about user settings removal on program uninstall