- 👋 Hi, I’m Abhay Bhardwaj
- 👀 I’m interested in Web Development and building Applications
- 🌱 I’m a Full stack heavy backend developer
- 💞️ I’m looking for Full time opportunities.
- 📫 How to reach me : Linkedin@Abhay
- ⚡ Fun fact : My phone is always about to die
Skills ={
"Backend": {NodeJS, MongoDB, ExpressJS, Webhooks, GraphQL,Apis, microservices, postman, git },
"Amazon Web Services": {AWS S3, Lambda, SES, DynamoDB, Quantum Ledger DB}
"frontend": {ReactJS, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap},
"Mobile Application": {flutter, dart },
"Other programming languages": {Java , Python , R , PHP , SQL }
Experience = {
"Internship 1":{
"Name":"Vigorus health tech (founding team member (startup))",
"Duration":"December 2022 to present (5 months)",
"position":"Lead Backend Developer",
"Roles and Responsibilities":"Developing Back-end architecture, application, Database
management, authorization, authentication, error handling,
creating RESTfulAPIs, Micro-services, deployment, documentation,
team management, debugging etc."
"Achievments":"Implemented Ayushman Bharat health mission’s M1 milestone.
Made over 25 micro services and lambda functions.
Voted Employee of the month (February).
PPO offered"
"Internship 2":{
"Name":"Astrix Agency",
"Duration":"July 2022 to nov 2022 (4 months)",
"position":"Backend Developer",
"Roles and Responsibilities":"Developing Back-end architecture, application, Database
management, authorization, authentication, error handling,
creating RESTfulAPIs,"
"Achievments":"Intership certificate."