This is a GUI application created by me and This application manages booking seats and holds the data using a postgresql server.
When you run the application you are greeted with the login page.
Here you are asked to input data for database connection:
1.Your database URL with the correct port:
For example: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:8000/bookingapp
Note: the app implies that you already have a blank database named bookingapp
2.Your database username:
For example: postgres (default username for postgresql)
3.Your database password:
For example: qwerty123
If your user credentials are valid you get to use the app!
The app has a set of buttons each representing a seat. The program has the following functional:
You can book the seat.
You can delete a reservation.
You can easily see wich seats are booked and wich are free.
Note: The table for data managment is created automaticly.