Crop Recommendation System: Data-Driven Agriculture. A solution designed to provide farmers with personalized recommendations for crop selection based on data analysis and machine learning.
Crop Recommendation Dataset: Kaggle
- Data Gathering -- We collected comprehensive datasets from Kaggle, including soil parameters and crop yields.
- Cleaning and Preprocessing -- Python libraries like Pandas and NumPy were used to clean and structure the data.
- Feature Engineering -- We engineered relevant features to enhance the predictive power of our models.
- Content-Based Filtering -- This approach recommends crops based on soil and climate attributes using cosine similarity.
- Collaborative Filtering -- We implemented matrix factorization using SVD to predict crop-environment interactions.
- Performance Evaluation -- Our models achieved high accuracy, with precision and recall exceeding 0.95 across classes.
- Feature Transformation -- We applied encoding and scaling techniques to prepare our features for modeling.
- Train-Test Split -- Data was split into training, testing, and validation sets to ensure robust evaluation.
- Iterative Refinement -- Multiple iterations of training and validation improved our model's performance and generalization.
- Model Versioning -- MLflow tracks different versions of our recommendation models, ensuring reproducibility.
- Performance Monitoring -- Continuous monitoring of model metrics helps identify drift and trigger retraining.
- Deployment Pipeline -- Automated deployment pipelines streamline the process of updating models in production.
- Synthetic Data Generation -- GANs create realistic synthetic crop profiles to augment our training data.
- Enhanced Recommendations -- GAN-generated profiles improve the robustness of our recommendation system.
- Edge Case Handling -- Synthetic data helps our model handle rare or unseen crop-environment combinations.
- Augmented Dataset Creation -- Utilize GANs to generate diverse and realistic synthetic profiles for expanding our training dataset.
- Recommendation System Integration -- Incorporate synthetic data seamlessly into our recommendation system to enhance predictive capabilities.
Mostafa Mohamed Youssef | Hanin Essam Sayed | Abdelrhman Walaa | Abdelrahman Osama Nabih