This repo contains the expense management service.
All requirements as outlined in test scenario provided have been addressed the way I would approach a problem in the real world. TDD was utilized with continuous refactoring as the design emerged.
The Solution has been developed using Dotnet Core 2.1.
- The Dotnet cli can be used to restore, build and run tests.
- To run the api execute "dotnet run --project SerkoExpense.Api/SerkoExpense.Api.csproj"
- Navigate to https://localhost:5001/api/healthcheck to confirm the api is up and running.
- Manual Testing can be acheived with a client of your choice by executing a post request to the /expense endpoint with the relevant InputData in the request body.
- Documentation for the API is not required as a part of the assesment.
- CICD pipeline demonstration is not required.
- The provided information in email contains an invalid date (Tuesday 27 April 2017), wrote my solution around a correct date (Thursday 27 April 2017) and accommodated for an incorrect date.
- A better solution may have been created if this was attempted in a collaborative manner ie. Pair Programmed or Mob Programmed.