Allows creation of groups within groups
- only members of the parent group can join a sub-group
- sub-groups are fully qualified groups in their own right, may have sub-groups of their own
- infinite depth of sub-groups
- breadcrumb navigation on group pages shows path from parent to current group
- groups owner block contains link to parent group
- groups owner block contains link to subgroups
- when users leave a parent group, they are removed from all subgroups
Creating a subgroup
- subgroup automatically inherits colors/backgrounds from parent if group custom layout is used
Deletion of a group
- if the group has subgroups, all subgroups will be deleted
- content within subgroups can be reassigned to the original owner, to the parent group, or deleted
Updating a group/subgroup
- if the visibility of the group becomes more restrictive, any subgroups contained by the group will be updated to the more restrictive visibility.