This plugin provides small customizations that are specific to the landing but are small enough that they don't really warrant their own plugin Functions that are all providing one outcome or fixing one issue are grouped into a separate file in /lib and included in start.php This makes it easier to keep track of and remove if necessary
Record of changes:
Defines new language strings
* /languages/en.php
restores group acls as access options
* registered plugin hook in init of start.php * handler in /lib/group_acls_for_access_options.php
intercepts apache logs of deprecation notices
* registered plugin hook in global scope of start.php * handler in /lib/hooks.php * toggle /views/default/plugin/au_landing/settings.php
removes 'online users' tab
* members:config, tabs hook registered in init * handler in /lib/hooks.php
prevents routing to online users page
* 'route' hook registered in init of start.php * handler in /lib/hooks.php
Changes group custom layout background image to just inside the group instead of whole page
* overwrites views/default/group_custom_layout/group/css.php
appends link to notification settings to all notifications
* hooked in init of start.php * hook in hooks.php au_landing_email_append
sends notification to users when entities they own are edited by someone else
* 'update' event registered in init of start.php * handler au_landing_page_update in /lib/events.php
//replaced by Jon - widget manager version still causes major server crisis
removes 'and' option of content_by_tag widget (from Widget Manager)
* overwrites views/default/widgets/content_by_tag/content.php * overwrites views/default/widgets/content_by_tag/edit.php
adds 'mine' option to dashboard river widget
* overwrites /views/default/widgets/river_widget/edit.php * overwrites /views/default/widgets/river_widget/content.php
routes blog/new to blog/add to handle old links/bookmarks
* 'route' hook registered in init of start.php * handler in /lib/functions.php
allows 20 featured groups to be displayed
* overwrites /views/default/groups/sidebar/featured.php
fixes title link in event_calendar widget
* hook registered in init of start.php * handler in /lib/hooks.php
alerts users on login if they have an invalid email address on the system
* login event registered in init of start.php * handler in /lib/events.php
adds help text for change-email form
* overwrites /views/default/core/settings/account/email.php
removes page menu link for 'mail members' on group profile
removes page menu link for edit group appearance
* page menu hooked in init of start.php * handler au_landing_pagemenu in /lib/hooks.php
GCL form added to group_tools other options page
* view extended in init * view extension views/default/au_landing/gcl.php
adds messages count to any menu item that contains a span with the class au-messages
* views/default/au_landing/messages_count.php * views/default/js/au_landing/messages_count.js * views/default/css/au_landing.php