Releases: AMS21/PreyRun
Jan 27 2018
Added: Autocmdzones can now be constructed by supplying an end point
Added: Different timer display when run is finished
Added: Ghosting
Added: One click load
Added: Speedometer and Jumspeed wont be drawn during a cinematic/cutscene anymore
Added: Speedometer style
Added: Suppress master server not found message
Fixed: Autocmdzones are now also drawn when developer is not set to 1
Fixed: Code refactoring (Massive compile time decrease)
Fixed: Individual level runs won't be started after loading a save game
Fixed: LiveSplit game time not updating while loading
Fixed: PreyRun log file is not flushed on write
May 19 2017
With the last release I actually added quite a few bugs which should all be fixed with this release.
- Fixed: Individual level run will start once savegame is finished loading instead of when starting to load the savegame
- Fixed: RTA timer not recovering from backup timer
- Fixed: Mapscript not being executed when loading a savegame
- Fixed: Individual Level run not starting correctly
- Fixed: 'gamename' displaying wrong PreyRun version
- Fixed: 'preyrun.cfgexec_tozenized'
- Added: Execute Run type configs (RTArun.cfg, ILRun.cfg)
- Added: Version display in console
- Added: PR_log
May 15 2017
- Code cleanup and small fixes
- Added pr_hud_jumpspeed_style 2 - Only in air
- Added pr_disablejukeboxes to help with copyright issues (Thanks: pentaleks)
- Added pr_hud_damage and pr_hud_damage_style to display the damage you received
- Added RTA timer (pr_hud_rtatimer)
- Added pr_ch_setspiritpower
- Added g_fov will now be saved in your config file
- Fixed pr_autocmd_edit and pr_autocmd_remove crashing the game when entering a negative value
- Fixed timer not resetting when autostarting from RTA start
Nov 07 2016
- Fixed PR_hud_Distance and PR_hud_EntityInfo not wokring while in vehicles
- Added PR_hud_EntityInfo_Health, PR_hud_EntityInfo_Name, PR_hud_EntityInfo_Type to controll which information shoud be displayed
- Added In-game timer now pauses while saving
- Fixed PR_hud_Health not displaying in grey while godmode is active and in a vehicle
- Added PR_hud_EntityInfo_Health will display health in blue when the enemie is shielded
- Fixed Double stopping the timer while PR_Freeze is set to 1
- Added Colour and position variables for PR_hud_JumpSpeed
- Added *_precision for timer, speedometer and jumpspeed
- Added PR_hud_JumpSpeed_Style swtich beween always displaying always and fading away
- Fixed Individual leveler timer not working as intended when already on a map and setting PR_Timer_Methode to 1
Oct 18 2016
- Added Autocmdzones can now execute multiple commands seperated by a semicolon / ;
- Added PR_ch_SetPos: Cheat to set your postion
- Added PR_ch_SetPos_Offset: Cheat to offset your position
- Added PR_hud: Toggle display of all PreyRun hud elements
- Added PR_hud_Health will now be displayed in grey if god mode is enabled
- Added PR_hud_Keys: Display the pressed keys
- Added PR_hud_Keys_Style: Used to select the style you want for displaying the pressed keys (beneath the crosshair, around the crosshair, on the right side of the screen) and if it shoud display the now pressed keys greyed out
- Added PR_hud_Location_Methode: Switch between showing your viewpoint position and your feet position
- Added PR_hud_SpiritPower will now be displayed in grey when not having the ability to spiritwalk
- Added PR_PreySplit_Split: To trigger an custom split
- Added PR_Timer_Backup: Toggle support for backing up the in-game timer which will be automaticly recovered, but game crashes will ALWAYS lead to timing inaccuracy! (Thanks to CorpseFlesh)
- Added PR_Timer_Backup_Interval: How often the the timer shoud be backed up
- Added support for boss kill splits
- Fixed Individual Level timing for the first (roadhouse / Last Call) and last (spherebrain / Mothers Embrace) map
- Fixed PreyRun hud elements not being displayed after picking up the wrench on the first map
- Fixed PR_PreySplit_Update not working as intended (updating too often)
- Fixed Speedometer not displaying the correct value while nocliping
- Fixed Timer now working correclty while PR_Freeze is set to 1
- Better descriptions
- Better stuff to debug
- Replaced the timer with a new self made timer which shoud be very accurate (72 milliseconds diffrence in a 2 hour run)
Sep 26 2016
- Added Auto Command Zones These allow you to define a rectangle which will execute a specific command on entering (kinda like a triggers)
- Added Automatic map config execution (On entering it will execute MapScripts/roadhouse.cfg etc.)
- Added Default config files (PreyRun.cfg, MapScripts etc. not included in the "PreyRun - Without config files.rar" archive)
- Added pr_autopause automaticly freezes the game after map change
- Added pr_freeze if set to 1 will completely freeze the game
- Added pr_hud_custom displayes what ever you set in pr_hud_custom_text (might be useful for displaying the keycodes)
- Added pr_hud_distance displayes the distance to the object your looking at
- Added pr_hud_jumpspeed displayes the speed you had before jumping
- Added pr_hud_spiritpower displayes the amount of spirit power / mana you have
- Added pr_timer_methode 0 = RTA timing, 1 = Individual Level timing (Thanks to CorpseFlesh)
- Fixed pr_hud_ammo not displaying the vehicles ammo
- Fixed pr_hud_health not displaying the vehicles health
- Fixed Telling PreySplit that the map changed even if pr_preysplit was set to 0
- Fixed PreySplit pipe not being closed/opened when changing pr_preysplit
- Code cleanup
- Some more debug stuff
- Will now execute PreyRun.cfg when starting PreyRun
Aug 30 2016
- Added game time support for PreySplit
- Added pr_preysplit_update to control how often the game timer shoud be updated
- Some more debug stuff
Aug 25 2016
- Added pr_autostart Toggle automatic starting of the timer
- Added pr_autostop Toggle automatic stoping of the timer
- Added pr_preysplit To en/disable PreySplit support
- Removed pr_autosplit was pretty useless
- Renamed pr_hud_position to pr_hud_location
- pr_hud_viewangles now also works in vehicle/shuttle
- pr_hud_ammo displays now the remaining ammo for rifle and shotgun not the total
- pr_hud_health shouldn't crash anymore
- Better debuggin options
Initial release
How to install:
Unpack PreyRun.rar in your Prey folder (where Prey.exe is located)
In the PreyRun folder shoud be 2 files 'description.txt' and 'game00.pk4'
Start the game and in the lower right click on 'Mods' select 'PreyRun V1.0' and load MOD
If that does work you can download the 'gamex86.dll' and replace it with yours located at (Prey/base/gamex86.dll)
But remember to backup the original 'gamex86.dll' in case something goes wrong!