A dashboard for Fairhub.io to provide insights around participant recruitment research studies. See REQUIREMENTS.md for an overview of the requirements and intended use cases.
- Describe any prerequisites, libraries, OS version, etc., needed before installing your application.
- Describe the installation process. Include code snippets and screenshots if needed. You can also add environment generation installation in here as well.
- Describe the inputs and outputs of your application. Include code snippets and screenshots if needed.
Contributions are always welcome!
If you are interested in reporting/fixing issues and contributing directly to the code base, please see CONTRIBUTING.md for more information on what we're looking for and how to get started.
For any developmental standards to follow, add them directly to the CONTRIBUTING.md file.
To report any issues with the software, suggest improvements, or request a new feature, please open a new issue via the Issues tab. Provide adequate information (operating system, steps leading to error, screenshots) so we can help you efficiently.
This work is licensed under MIT. See LICENSE for more information.
If you are using this software or reusing the source code from this repository for any purpose, please cite:
ADD Citation here
This project is funded by the NIH under award number 1OT2OD032644. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.
Add any other acknowledgements here.