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St33v edited this page Nov 24, 2023 · 2 revisions

[rough placeholder]

Routine administration


Endorsement by National bodies and 'Releases'

National governance of plant health policy in Australia is performed by these bodies:

  1. National Biosecurity Committee (NBC), chaired by the (Deputy) Secretary of DAFF.
  2. Plant Health Committee (PHC), chaired in rotation by the Australian Chief Protection Officer (DAFF) or a State/Territory counterpart.
  3. Two PHC Subcommittees:
  • Subcommittee of National Plant Health Surveillance (SNPHS)
  • Subcommittee of Plant Health Diagnostics (SPHD)

Reports are made to SPHD on progress of the Ontology and Vocabularies. Once is has matured to a state that befits an 'initial release', this will be tabled to SPHD for acceptance. If agreed, a 'release' will be created and further work will build on that release. [for consideration/decision] An alternative would be that SPHD could recommend a "release" to PHC, who would formalise the "release".

This process of development and endorsement uncouples the work from the governance process; once a 'release' is scheduled for SPHD/PHC acceptance, the 'state' at that release point would not change but work would apply to the creation of the next release.

"Releases" on Github