CameraSDK is an easy to use camera screen with Stories implementation.
The most convenient way to use it - include via cocoapods.
pod "CameraSDK"
Run pod install - that's it. You all set up
Complete workflow is very simple and consists of two steps:
Lib uses storyboard, use method from extension to get it:
let storyBuilder = StoryBuilderViewController.storyboardController()
Then present it whereever you want:
myContainerViewController.present(storyBuilder, animated: true)
and show camera
All the magic happens inside, so you don't have to mess with any processing at all. Just set the delegate property of StoryBuilderViewController and receive an image. For example, you can give a choise to user what to do next:
storyBuilder.delegate = self
# MARK: StoryBuilderViewControllerDelegate
func shareImage(_ image: UIImage) {
storyBuilder.present(UIActivityViewController(activityItems: [image], applicationActivities: nil), animated: true)
Add separate plist file named 'Stories.plist' to your project with your Stickerpipe ApiKey
To obtain your ApiKey visit
This SDK uses Stickerpipe API. You can find its documentation here
List of Stamp packs and Stories is customizable. Contact us for more information at [email protected]
CameraSDK is available under the Apache 2 license. See the LICENSE file for more information.