5G-MAG MBS components version 0.1.1
These components are being developed on top of the Open5GS, srsRAN_Project and srsRAN_4G projects.
GitHub Container Registry amd64 and arm64 Docker images:
Network Function | image name | version |
AMF (with Rel-17 MBS features) | ghcr.io/5g-mag/amf_with_mbs | 0.1.1 |
SMF + MB-SMF | ghcr.io/5g-mag/smf_mb-smf | 0.1.1 |
UPF + MB-UPF | ghcr.io/5g-mag/upf_mb-upf | 0.1.1 |
Test MBS AF/AS | ghcr.io/5g-mag/test_mbs_af_as | 0.1.1 |
gNB (with Rel-17 MBS features) | ghcr.io/5g-mag/gnb_with_mbs | 0.1.1 |
UE (with Rel-17 MBS features) | ghcr.io/5g-mag/ue_with_mbs | 0.1.1 |
This project also uses the following Open5GS components, present also on the GitHub Container Registry for amd64 and arm64:
Network Function | image name | version |
AUSF | ghcr.io/5g-mag/ausf | v2.7.2 |
BSF | ghcr.io/5g-mag/bsf | v2.7.2 |
NRF | ghcr.io/5g-mag/nrf | v2.7.2 |
NSSF | ghcr.io/5g-mag/nssf | v2.7.2 |
PCF | ghcr.io/5g-mag/pcf | v2.7.2 |
UDM | ghcr.io/5g-mag/udm | v2.7.2 |
UDR | ghcr.io/5g-mag/udr | v2.7.2 |