Speedrunning solidity.
This is just a hello world project (for solidity / ETH ecosystem) that is based off the following articles
- https://speedrunethereum.com/
- https://medium.com/@austin_48503/%EF%B8%8Fethereum-dev-speed-run-bd72bcba6a4c
- https://medium.com/@austin_48503/%EF%B8%8F-minimum-viable-exchange-d84f30bd0c90
I used Remix as IDE, it had some flaws, but nice for someone trying to get into solidity. Use hardhat, it's nicer.
Code should only be used for educational reasons, and not be put in production, or deployed on the blockchain.
Try to get tests working
- Remix-tests is "wack", it does not find OpenZeppelin without direct path and has unhelpful error messages. Try something else like
- trufflesuite
- hardhat
- [^] write tests for the contract
npx hardhat test
- Remix-tests is "wack", it does not find OpenZeppelin without direct path and has unhelpful error messages. Try something else like
Fuzz the contract
Run automated static analysis
Test deployment to optimism
Complete the implementation.