Currently, Godot's Physics Joints use Euler angles. I needed joints that use Quaternions so I wrote myself a prototype instead. Plan to use them to puppet physics bodies with IK for my building game.
YT Video:
Works in chains too:
I'm working on a new joint that would use basis transforms from a given node instead of using angle rotations. This way it doesn't need to calculate the target rotations so it's faster.
Regular Angle Rotation Input:
Basis Vector Transform from "Puppeteer" node:
My (Current) Quaternion Angle Calculation and Safeguards for when the quaternion axis reaches infinity:
var qBT = Quat(body_b.global_transform.basis) #Quaternion Node B Transform Basis
var qTargetO = calc_target_orientation_by_basis() #Quaternion Target Orientation, using puppeteer_node transform basis
#var qTargetO = calc_target_orientation(body_a.global_transform.basis) #Does the same thing but using manual euler angles instead
var rotChange = qTargetO * qBT.inverse() #rotation change quaternion
var angle = 2.0 * acos(rotChange.w) #Turns to angle radians, the amount it turns around the quats axis
#if node B's quat is already facing the same way as qTargetO the axis shoots to infinity
#this is my sorry ass attempt to protect us from it:
angle = 0
var axis = Vector3(0,0,0)
var v = Vector3(rotChange.x,rotChange.y,rotChange.z) #rotation change quaternion "V" component
var axis_den = sin(angle*0.5) #quaternion axis denominator
axis = Vector3(0,0,0)
axis = Vector3(0,0,0)
axis = v / axis_den #the quaternion's axis
var axis_Mag = axis.length() #axis magnitude
if(is_nan(axis_Mag)||is_inf(axis_Mag)): #here's the axis shooting up to infinity
axis = Vector3(0,0,0) #Might as well set it to zero since the error would be zero at this point
angle -= 2.0*PI
var error = axis*angle
Here's the function where you can manually set the rest angle:
func calc_target_orientation(Abasis:Basis):
var baseBTOActual = Abasis*baseBTOrig#the actual original base node B Transform following node A around in current global space
var qx = Quat(Abasis.x,rest_angle_x*PI/180.0)
var qy = Quat(Abasis.y,rest_angle_y*PI/180.0)
var qz = Quat(Abasis.z,rest_angle_z*PI/180.0)
#var qBTargRo = qz*qy*qx# Quaternion node B Target Rotation
var qBTargRo = qx*qy*qz
var BTargetBasis = Basis()
BTargetBasis.x = qBTargRo*baseBTOActual.x
BTargetBasis.y = qBTargRo*baseBTOActual.y
BTargetBasis.z = qBTargRo*baseBTOActual.z
return Quat(BTargetBasis)
Here's the function where you can use a "Puppeteer" transform basis instead. This is way faster in my opinion. Just orient the Puppeteer and the joint should try to follow it:
func calc_target_orientation_by_basis():
var BTargetBasis = get_node(puppeteer_node).global_transform.basis #can be any node as long as it has it's own basis vector
return Quat(BTargetBasis)
Thanks to:
The Step Event:
For the calculations