- QQ: 3080001935
- Skype: android_openwrt
- Email: [email protected]
- android-large.apk, transmission, aria2/yaaw, owncloud(port 9800), phpBB(port 58888), minidlna, samba, xunlei, baidu
- android-small.apk, same as larger one except owncloud, phpBB
- Files needed while build android openwrt image
- Files that modified or add to android openwrt image
- git clone git://
- ./scripts/feeds update –a
- ./scripts/feeds install –a
- Overwrite openwrt source code with files in "build" directory
- make ARCH=arm menuconfig
- make V=s
- Security is traded for convenience, all account password is initialized as "root“ and "asdf1234" in login/wifi/samba/mysqld etc.
- Please change the password, or use it with your own risk.
- There's a cron background job try to update everyday, you might stop it