General Skills - 200 points
'...reading transmission... Y.O.U. .C.A.N.'.T. .S.E.E. .M.E. ...transmission ended...' Maybe something lies in /problems/you-can-t-see-me_0_8fc4b46df0f4dd36b87a28877fcf9ea2.
An interesting problem.
We notice a file with dot as the name.
$ ls -la
total 60
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Sep 28 08:34 .
-rw-rw-r-- 1 hacksports hacksports 57 Sep 28 08:34 .
drwxr-x--x 576 root root 53248 Sep 30 03:50 ..
But we can't cat it.
zst123@pico-2018-shell-2:/problems/you-can-t-see-me_0_8fc4b46df0f4dd36b87a28877fcf9ea2$ cat .
cat: .: Is a directory
zst123@pico-2018-shell-2:/problems/you-can-t-see-me_0_8fc4b46df0f4dd36b87a28877fcf9ea2$ cat *
cat: '*': No such file or directory
However notice that there are 2 spaces after the dot
zst123@pico-2018-shell-2:/problems/you-can-t-see-me_0_8fc4b46df0f4dd36b87a28877fcf9ea2$ cat '. '