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Viktor Trón edited this page Feb 9, 2015 · 17 revisions

URLs in DAPP browsers

  • should contain all allowable urls in browsers and all http(s) urls that resolve in a usual browser must resolve the same way.
  • All urls not conforming to the existing urls scheme must still resemble the current urls scheme.

Irrespective of the main protocol, <source> should be resolved via ethereum NameReg (name registration contract). It is up to debate how we indicate that. One idea is to use a top level domain, such as .eth ( == <name>.eth) In the special case of the bzz protocol, <source> must resolve to a Swarm hash of the content (in other words, the root key of the content). This content is assumed to be of mime type application/bzz-manifest the only mime-type directly handled by Swarm.

Swarm manifests

A Swarm manifest is a json formatted description of url routing. The high level json object is an array with route descriptors. A route descriptor json object has the following attributes:

  • path: a path relative to the url that resolved the the manifest (optional, with empty default)
  • hash: key of the content to be looked up by swarm (mandatory)
  • content-type: mime type of the content (optional, application/bzz-manifest by default)
  • status: optional http status code to pass back to the server (optional, 200 by default)
  • maybe further attributes


      "path": "chat",
      "hash": "sdfhsd76ftsd86ft76sdgf78h7tg",
      "status": 200,
      "content-type": "document/pdf"

If path is the empty string or is missing, the path matches the "document root" of the DAPP. If content-type is empty or missing, manifest if assumed by default.



in the browser, the following steps need to happen: -- the browser sees that its bzz protocol and checks if <source> is a hash or resolves to a hash via NameReg --- it then passes the <source> and <path> to bzz protocol handler -- the bzz protocol handler first retrieves the content for the hash (with integrity check) which it interprets as a manifest file -- this manifest file is then parsed, read and the json array element with the longest prefix p of <path> is looked up. I.e., p is the longest prefix such that <path> == p'/p''. (If the longest prefix is 0 length, the row with == "" is chosen.) -- the protocol then looks up content for p' and serves it to the browser together with the status type and content type. -- if content is of type manifest, bzz retrieves it and repeats the steps using p'' to match manifest <path> values against -- the url relative path is set to p''


   "path": "cv.pdf",
   "content-type": "document/pdf",
   "hash": "sdfhsd76ftsd86ft76sdgf78h7tg", 

where the hash is the hash of the actual file cv.pdf. If this manifest hashes to dafghjfgsdgfjfgsdjfgsd, then bzz://dafghjfgsdgfjfgsdjfgsd/cv.pdf will serve cv.pdf

Now you can register the manifest hash with NameReg to resolve fabian, then


serves cv.pdf

Example 2

Imagine you have a DAPP called chat and host it under
your local directory

looks like this:

the webserver has the following routing rules:

  -> <dir>/index.html 
  <unkwown> -> <dir>/index.html # where <unknown> != index.html
  img/logo.gif -> <dir>/img/logo.gif 
  img/avatars -> <dir>img/avatars/index.html
  img/avatars/fefe.jpg -> <dir>/img/avatars/fefe.jpg
  img/avatars/<unknown>.jpg <dir>/img/avatars/index.html # where <unknown> != fefe.jpg

Now you can alternatively host your app in Swarm by creating the following manifest:

  { "hash": HASH(<dir>/index.html) },
  { "index.html": HASH(<dir>/index.html) },
  { "img/logo.gif": HASH(<dir>/img/logo.gif) },
  { "img/avatars/": HASH(<dir>/img/avatars/index.html) },
  { "img/avatars/fefe.jpg": HASH(img/avatars/fefe.jpg) },
  { "img/avatars/": HASH(<dir>/img/avatars/index.html) }

Automatic manifest generation

In order to facilitate the creation of the manifest file for existing web projects, a command line utility is used to automatically generate manifest files, that conform to certain stardards.

  • all files will generate a routing entry
  • if an index.html is found under any subdirectory, it is mapped to the subdirectory as the path.

Now you can embed this DAPP A in another DAPP B under chat by adding this file the line to A's manifest:

      "path": "chat", 
      "hash": HASH(manifest(B)) 

This basically mimics redirect of relative path chat to DAPP B

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