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Building DSS Target

After installing required dependencies the '' script can be run to build all packages.

To build with the default options run the following,


To build binaries with gcov coverage support run with following option,

./ --with-coverage

To build and run unit tests run with following option

./ --run-tests

To build with coverage, run tests and generate coverage report run with following options,

./ --with-coverage --run-tests

The binaries and packages are created in the output folder '../df_out'

A. Creates subsystems and configuration for nvmf_tgt Option 1: Configure based on vlan ids python configure --vlan-ids space-separated list of vlan ids -kv_fw firmware -kv_ssc number of kv subsystems to create This will automatically discover the correct IPs and create the subsystems Option 2: Configure using IP addresses python configure -ip_addrs space-separated list of local ip addresses -kv_fw firmware -kv_ssc number of kv subsystems to create

The only difference between option 1 and option 2 is whether the IP of the interfaces on the desired vlans is discovered based on vlan ID or specified manually

After running either Option 1 or Option 2, it will output Run this script to start the client

Command line flags:
    Option 1: -vids/--vlan-ids must be specified, -ip_addrs/--ip_addresses must NOT be specified
        -vids/--vlan-ids: space delimited list of (numeric) vlan ids
    Option 1: -ip_addrs/--ip_addresses must be specified -vids/--vlan-ids must NOT be specified, 
        -ip_addrs/--ip_addresses: List of IPs
    -c/--config_file: Name of output file for nvmf_tgt config
    -kv_fw/--kv_firmware: KV firmware version for the SSDs
    -block_fw/--block_firmware: block firmware version for the SSDs (only if using block)
    -wal/--wal: Number of block devices to handle write burst
    -tcp/--tcp: 1 to enable tcp, 0 to disable tcp
    -rdma/--rdma: 1 to enable rdma, 0 to disable rdma
    -kv_ssc/--kv_ssc: number of kv subsystems to create